Thursday, April 23, 2009

What to Do After Your Breast Cancer Treatment is Finished've done it. You went through the chemo. You may have gone through radiation. Maybe you even had surgery. But now it's all over. The chemicals have killed your cancer cells. So, now what? The fact that you're still here is a testament to your will to live, but your body is in rough shape. Your hair might be gone. You've lost weight. Every cell in your body has been poisoned.

It's strange how no one ever really tells you what to do after your breast cancer treatment is finished. I'm sure many clinics and hospitals have after care programs, but they're seldom useful. Your body is broken down and it needs to be restored to its natural state. Not only that, the treatment you've just suffered through may have killed the breast cancer, but the underlying conditions that put it there in the first place haven't gone anywhere. It's time to clean it all up.

You see, conventional cancer treatments...conventional medicine in general seems to only concern itself with symptoms and not causes. Have a headache? Take this pill every time you have one and you'll never have one. Or...figure out the underlying cause of the headache and fix that and you can forget about the headache and the pill. You've killed the cancer. Now it's time to attack what made your body a nice place for cancer to thrive in. It could be your immune system. It could be your oxygen levels. It could be your pH. there are a host of things that can cause breast cancer. Once you find the right natural remedies that will reverse all of these conditions you can be sure that your breast cancer will never come back.

Most doctors and the medical establishment in general don't care for natural cancer treatments. Not because they don't work, but because they are natural and can't be patented as a drug. Why cure your breast cancer when they can keep you coming back for years? You're a customer, not a patient. Now that your breast cancer treatment is finished, take the time to restore your body back to health. Once everything is back in balance, you'll feel like your old self again in no time.

By Vanessa Ryan

You can get access to over 350 natural, non-toxic cancer treatments and 2,000 testimonials of people who have used them when you click here now: Kill Your Breast Cancer

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The Biggest Problem With Conventional Breast Cancer Treatment

In my opinion, there are many problems with conventional breast cancer treatment. They have a very low overall success rate. They are horribly invasive. They are barbaric. They rob you of your dignity, sometimes even your body parts. But perhaps the biggest problem with conventional breast cancer treatment is the fact that you are not really a patient, but a customer. And that they in no way are interested in actually curing your breast cancer because then you wouldn't have to come back and that wouldn't be a profitable way to do business.

Think about it for a moment. The big three in conventional breast cancer treatment are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. And which one always seems to be recommended no matter what? Chemotherapy. Get your breasts cut off...better pump you full of chemo just to be safe. Zap you with radiation...better pump you full of chemo just to be safe. It's obscene.

The companies that make these chemotherapy drugs are multi-billion dollar public corporations. This means they have shareholders. This also means they are obligated to try and increase the value of shares in their company. So, if your breast cancer is cured and you no longer need treatment, how are they supposed to make any money? Anyone with even the slightest business sense knows that fortunes are made through repeat business. If your cancer is "managed" rather than "cured" you'll have to come back again and again and again.

All these stories you hear of people getting rid of their breast cancer with natural remedies aren't made up. Natural breast cancer remedies are out there. They are gentle and they are effective. But they are also available in nature and therefore cannot be patented. Are you beginning to see the pattern?

I'm not saying that conventional doctors or even drug companies want you to die. They'd like nothing more than to keep your cancer under control, as long as it is on their terms. As long as you're a customer for as long as possible.

Don't you think it's time to stand up and take control of your own breast cancer treatment? You may end up choosing chemo or surgery anyway, but at least make an informed decision. Learn as much as you can about all the different treatments available. You have the power...all you have to do is use it.

By Vanessa Ryan

You can get access to over 350 non-toxic natural breast cancer treatments as well as 2,000 testimonials from people who have actually used them when you click here right now: Kill Your Breast Cancer

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Common Acne Issues

There are some common acne issues that can really be annoying. Knowing the name of the terms and what they mean can help you know more about the causes and solutions to acne issues that are most common. Moist mild and moderate pimple problems can be diagnosed easily and treated fast and effectively. Protecting your skin from everyday influences is the first step to an acne free life. No one wants to deal with pimple crop ups all the time. Knowing what they mean and how to rid you of them forever, is key to a happy life.

The Comedones

The most common acne issues are the comedones, blackheads and whiteheads. Blackheads are the pimples that consist of excess oil and dry skin inside the lesion. They tend to be non-inflammatory and do not rise too much above the skin or cause pain. Whiteheads are the type of acne that blocks hair follicles with dead skin and oils. These tend to get raised, inflamed and are sometimes painful. They also become infected and fill with pus, how they get the name whitehead. To prevent this type of acne you will need to wash your face daily to remove the oily build up that naturally occurs or can occur with makeup use. If you find that this type of acne is not localized to solely your face area, see your doctor in case there is an underlying medical issue causing the issue.

Cysts And Nodules

These common acne issues are deeper problems. They are pimples located far beneath the skins surface and rarely make it to the upper and outer layers. These are usually very painful and filled with puss. The other issue with this type of acne is that it can get fairly large and usually causes a hard lump on the outer part of your skin. The actual cause of this acne is not really understood. Some people think it is due to hormones, bacterial issues, or genetics. To treat this type of acne you will want to find out why you are getting it. Seeing a doctor can help you to decide if there is an underlying problem causing it. This is especially important if nothing you have tried so far has helped the situation and it keeps coming back.

Medication Induced Acne

There is some common acne issues that are medication induced. This means that the medicines you are on are causing some form of reaction that is making you break out with pimples. Steroids and other hormones are the number one cause of this. One of the major complaints for those with asthma and on birth control is the out breaks in acne that happen consistently. For many these chemicals make oil production go into over drive and also mess up hormones. If you find that you developed acne or it has gotten worse after beginning specific medications, talk to your doctor to see if you can have it changed to something else.

By Tom Miles

Tom Miles writes acne and other health related articles for the Acne Sorted website at

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7 Expert Tips That Rid Even the Severest Acne Case in Just Days! Discover the Cleansing Cure Now!

Acne is a cause of embarrassment to any girl. It makes her uneasy in company and inhibits her from meeting new people.

She will try almost any thing from drugs to home remedies to get rid of her acne.

1. Stop touching the acne. Acne is infectious and will carry to other parts of the face if you touch even one of them. So never pick or squeeze the acne or it will only help spread them more.

If one happen to ooze out then use a fresh piece of cotton wool to wipe the ooze and discard the cotton right away.

2. More of fresh fruit and vegetable. Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetable is important for eliminating the toxins within the body and cleansing the blood system. Plenty of salads too are recommended.

3. Corrective washing. No scrubbing of the face when washing. Water should be splashed gently on the face. It is alright to use a gently cleanser when washing. Washing of the face should neither be too frequent nor too little.

4. Drink plenty of water. Increase your water intake to flush out the toxins from the body. Usually eight glasses of water per day is the recommended dosage for an adult.

5. The right makeup. Oil based makeup helps clog the skin pores thus preventing the body oils from being released. This helps the breakout of acne. Always opt for the water based makeup instead.

6. Keep your hands off your face. Acne is basically a bacterium that is infectious and spreads to other parts of the face. Avoid touching your face too frequently especially if it is not freshly washed before touching. Dirty hands help spread the acne.

7. Home remedies. If the acne is red and swollen then the best thing is to use an icepack. That will help reduce the swelling and cool the surface thus removing the redness.

Other applications like tea tree oil, ginger paste or tomato pulp, and salted water help reduce the acne.

By Jenny Melbourne

A Sure Shot All Natural Way Which Cured My Acne In 3 Days! Do you know that I cleared up my acne within 3 days? There is a proven guaranteed all natural way to get rid of acne in just 3 days. This is one thing you just can't afford to miss at any cost. I strongly urge you to read each and every word on the next page - Click Here

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Warning - Read This Before Your Acne Becomes Extremely Worse! Acne Clearing Mistakes Revealed!

There are many causes of acne. It could be anything from stress and tension to hygiene and lifestyle too. Knowing the cause can help in the treatment of acne.

1. Clogged pores prevent the release of oil on the surface of the skin, thereby causing the formation of bacteria which then causes acne. It is thus essential to keep the pores clean and open to allow the oil to be released. That helps to keep the skin clear.

2. Fast foods and greasy foods are commonly believed to cause acne. However, this is not the case. Instead milk and milk products are believed to worsen the out break of acne. Eating of fresh fruits, vegetables and salads along with plenty of water and fresh fruit juices help keep the skin clean and clear.

3. Lack of hygiene is another misconception. On the contrary it is the washing off of the oil and the lack of it at the skin surface which causes the acne to erupt. Too much washing of the face should be avoided especially using soap on the face.

4. Stress is said to be a cause of acne. Contrary to belief, it is the hormonal effect on the skin which causes acne. To deal with hormonal causes, one will need to eat right, maintain hygiene and correct lifestyle in order to maintain a balance in health conditions.

5. Heredity is known to be another cause of acne. While acne is already known to be prevalent in the family, it can be prevented by taking correct measures well in advance.

6. Cosmetics are a known cause of acne. Not all cosmetics suit all skin types. Careful use of cosmetics is advisable. Water based as against oil based cosmetics should be given preference.

7. Weather conditions are another cause of acne. The sun and the wind can be too harsh for the skin. Proper skin preventive measures to handle weather conditions will help.

These tips will help keep acne at bay, while maintaining a clean and clear skin.

By Jenny Melbourne

A Sure Shot All Natural Way Which Cured My Acne In 3 Days! Do you know that I cleared up my acne within 3 days? There is a proven guaranteed all natural way to get rid of acne in just 3 days. This is one thing you just can't afford to miss at any cost. I strongly urge you to read each and every word on the next page - Click Here

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Reduce Even the Severest Acne in Just a Few Days! The Diet Secret That Destroys Acne, Guaranteed!

Diet plays a very important role in the health of any person. The kind of diet one indulges in will show in one's face. So do not be deceived that people are not around you to see what and how much you eat.

1. Abstain from fried stuffs. Too much oil within the body causes the toxins and bacteria that we need to avoid. If the pores are clogged and the oils are not able to surface then it leads to bacteria and acne.

2. Abundance of fruit and vegetable. The consumption of fruit and vegetable should be to the maximum and in its pure form. Fruit should be had fresh and in fruit form while vegetables should be as sparsely cooked as possible. Salads too should be in plenty.

3. Plenty of water. Water should be consumed in plentiful. Around eight glasses of water per day is the recommended dosage for an adult person. Water flushes out the toxins from the body.

4. Stay away from processed foods and simple carbs. Processed foods and simple carbs help build up the toxins in the body and instigate a dirty colon which contributes to acne eruption on the face.

5. Eat fiber rich foods. Cereals and other fiber rich foods act as roughage and help keep the colon clean and hydrated. Psyllium husks help clear the bowel regularly and act as a sponge while cleaning the colon.

6. Reduce certain foods. Reduce milk and milk products as far as possible. Reduce also peanuts, peanut butter, walnuts, pistachio and hazel nuts. Consume sugar, white flour and simple sweets in moderation.

7. Include certain foods. Fish has a high content of omega 3 which is good for a healthy skin and prevention of acne. Eggs, whole grains and mushrooms are a source of Zinc which helps naturally cure your acne.

Following a healthy diet will help you not only cure the acne you have but also prevent further acne from erupting.

By Jenny Melbourne

A Sure Shot All Natural Way Which Cured My Acne In 3 Days! Do you know that I cleared up my acne within 3 days? There is a proven guaranteed all natural way to get rid of acne in just 3 days. This is one thing you just can't afford to miss at any cost. I strongly urge you to read each and every word on the next page - Click Here

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Hormonal Acne Treatment - The Only Thing Anyone Needs to Know to Get Completely Clear

Hormonal acne treatment is the only way you'll ever get your skin clear. Now while that may seem like a worrisome statement, I assure you it's the best news you'll hear today.

How come?

Well I know many of you might be thinking that hormonal acne treatment means going on birth control (tough luck if you're a guy) or trying to find a mad scientist who will inject you with some glowing serum. I assure you this is not the case!

There is one completely natural, 100% safe and super effective hormonal acne treatment that will work for anyone regardless if you're young, old, male, female, pregnant, etc. Whatever your background or story, it doesn't matter, this WILL work.

So spill the beans already!

So yo really want to know? OK prepare yourself. The only way to cure your acne for good is to stop eating certain foods and eat more of others. That's it. OK, it's slightly more complicated than that, you also have to drink more water. Real complicated, I know!

So what to avoid? Well these are the most common foods that will cause hormonal imbalances in your body. Be aware different people are affected more/less by different foods, but generally speaking, the following are the worst:

Milk and dairy

Vegetable/Cooking oil

Red Meat

Refined Carbohydrates (White bread, white rice, pasta, etc)

Sugar (A chocolate bar every once in a while is OK)

So what's the good stuff. Well, anything natural is good for you. When food shopping, try to stick mainly to the outside isles in a supermarket as all the natural items usually reside here while all the processed food items are in the middle isles. Specifically, try to eat as many green, leafy vegetables as you can while drinking a lot of water. I usually drink up to a quart or more a day. Both of these are great for bringing your body back into balance and will control your hormonal imbalances.

So now that you now, there's no reason you shouldn't start your hormonal acne treatment today. Get back the clear skin you deserve by treating the real cause of your breakouts.

By Felix Schmieder

By pursuing a hormonal acne treatment, you begin to see that your skin will clear itself naturally without the use of harsh chemicals on your skin. Stop throwing your money down the drain and start treating your acne the right way.

Imagine you never had to worry about how your skin looked ever again. No more rushing to the mirror when you wake up to see if there was another breakout, no more trying to hide your face from your friends. To discover how you can stop breakouts and be acne free in just days, go to

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Treatment For Hormonal Acne - The Real Way to Stop My Breakouts

Most people looking to clear their acne completely ignore the most important aspect. They fail to seek a treatment for hormonal acne. Why is this the most important aspect? Because all types of acne, regardless of who you are or what your situation is, is hormonal.
Everyone from teenagers to adults who have acne are suffering from hormonal imbalances and by failing to seek treatment for hormonal acne, they are dooming themselves to suffering from breakouts needlessly.

So what can you do? Well good news for you, the treatment is universal! You have to focus on your diet; avoid the bad stuff and focus on the good stuff to use scientific terms.

First, the bad stuff. Dairy, red meat, vegetable oil, refined carbs like white bread or white rice and excess sugars all have to be cut out, or failing that, reduced. All of these contribute to hormonal imbalances in our bodies which cause breakouts. If you're a teenager or pregnant, you'll still have raging hormones, but by avoiding these bad foods, you'll see an amazing improvement in the quality of your skin.

Now the good. Green leafy vegetables are awesome because they are full of alkaline materials that help bring our body back into balance. Try to eat as many serving as possible of items such as spinach, arugala, romaine, etc. Iceberg lettuce does not count as it offers no important nutrients.

Water is also another key ingredient to consume. Drink the normal 6-8 cups of water, then drink some more. Water helps flush our systems of toxins and also brings our body back into balance.

Apples are another great food to eat a lot of. They also help flush out toxins from our bodies and have many important ingredient that help keep our bodies healthy.

By avoiding things that are bad for you and embracing the ones that are good, you'll find that treatment for hormonal acne is incredibly effective. This will work for anyone and can clear you in a short amount of time.

By Felix Schmieder

When you start a treatment for hormonal acne that is natural and addresses the real root problem, you'll see some pretty amazing results. Natural treatments that involve diet will work for anyone regardless of their background or circumstances.

If you want to find the exact steps you need to follow to clear your acne in a matter of days, read the guide at In it you'll find the specific causes and cures that have been clinically proven to work for anyone and are guaranteed to get you clear.

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Best Treatment For Adult Acne - The Cause of Adult Onset Acne and How to Clear it Naturally

With all the commercials for the latest gels, creams or whatever else, it's pretty hard to decide what the best treatment for adult acne is. I'm here to inform you that none of the gels and creams in the entire world will cure your acne!

How do I know? Because acne is caused by hormones in our bodies. A gel or cream on your face isn't going to diddly squat for your acne because it can't treat the real problem, it can only treat some of the symptoms.

These hormones become pretty apparent during our teen years. Acne typically makes itself known as our bodies go haywire during puberty and produce a large number of hormones. These same hormones are causing your acne breakouts today. This is why people who never even had acne as teenagers are suffering from it in their adulthood.

So what's the best treatment for adult acne? You have to change around your diet. The liver and kidneys are unable to keep up with the sheer amount of toxins in our bodies and are unable to get rid of the excess hormones these toxins cause to be released. Under normal conditions, the liver "retires" these hormones in a timely matter, but the backlog from our poor diets allows these hormones to run rampant, causing excess oil production and breakouts.

By avoiding bad foods like dairy products, red meats, excess sugars and simple and refined carbohydrates like white bread, pasta and white rice, you can reduce the amount of toxins in your body and cut down on the amount of hormones running rampant in your system.

Likewise, you should also be trying to consume as much water, green vegetables and apples as possible. Combined, these three are great at controlling excess hormones and will eliminate toxins from your body.

The best treatment for adult acne is to first realize that anything you put on your skin will never work. Once you realize that, you will finally be able to accept a natural treatment that revolves around a healthy diet.

The hardest part is taking the first step.

By Felix Schmieder

Once you realize that the best treatment for adult acne revolves solely around your diet, you can quickly cure your acne by avoiding bad foods and eating good foods.

For the only clinically proven, step by step guide that will show you how to permanently cure your acne, end the breakouts, regain your natural inner balance and achieve the lasting clear skin you deserve, go to

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