Saturday, November 24, 2007

Can You Survive on Rice?

Rice is enjoyed by many people all over the world, especially Asians. This makes the "Rice Diet Report" an attractive way of losing weight.

Developed in the late 1930s by Dr. Walter Kempner, a physician at Duke University, the diet is composed of cooked rice, fruit, sugar, and tea. It was so restrictive and was originally meant for people with severe kidney disease. In April 1944, Kempner told the North Carolina Medical Journal about his popular diet and how it had helped lots of patients.

The Rice Diet was later used by patients with high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetic retinopathy, a serious complication of diabetes. Kempner claimed his diet managed to control all three conditions.

"Dr. Kempner noted that the patients' blood pressure dropped to normal, and electrocardiograms showed their hearts had returned to normal size and function. Blood vessels in the retinas of the eyes also returned to normal," said Theodore Berland in Consumer Guide's "Rating the Diets."

Along the way, Kempner and his colleagues found that the Rice Diet also helped people lose weight. One patient, the wife of Richard Hughes, the former governor of New Jersey, was a diabetic who weighed 230 pounds when she came to Duke University. After 19 weeks, Kempner said she lost 80 pounds and her blood sugar dropped to normal levels.

At first, doctors were skeptical of Kempner's results. But they were amazed at the results. What makes the Rice Diet work?

In "Popular Nutrition Practices: Sense and Nonsense", Dr. Jack Yetiv said this particular diet is very low in sodium. This causes diuresis or the increased secretion of urine in the kidneys. In short, people on the Rice Diet don't lose fat; they only lose water.

"Although this could amount to as much as 10-15 pounds in the first few days, the weight loss is illusory. As soon as a regular diet (containing salt) was resumed, the water weight was regained," Yetiv explained.

Kempner's diet plan soon faded into obscurity in the late 1940s as drugs to fight high blood pressure became readily available. But it was recently resurrected by author Judy Moscovitz, a graduate of the Rice House in Durham, North Carolina, where she reportedly lost 140 pounds.

In her book, Moscovitz encourages the dieter to eat nothing but fruit and rice for four or five months or longer. You can eat any kind of rice provided it has no salt, spices, herbs or condiments. The dieter is also warned not to take dairy products due to their fat and cholesterol content.

Unfortunately, Yetiv said subsisting on rice alone is foolhardy and potentially life-threatening because this diet is low in iron, calcium, zinc, vitamins B12 and D, and protein. What's more, we cannot totally eliminate dairy products from our diet because they are a rich source of calcium. The least Moscovitz could have done is to tell readers to use low fat or non-fat dairy products. But you won't find any good advice from this book.

"I consider the Rice Diet to be one of the worst diet entries in the past decade. It is a very restrictive, choreographed diet. It teaches the overweight patient nothing about the dietary habits which led to the overweight condition to begin with, and therefore, doesn't provide him with the necessary tools to prevent regain of the weight," Yetiv concluded.

The only way to lose weight is to follow a good diet and exercise routine. Taking a supplement may also help. One popular product is Zylorin that will help you lose weight without draining your energy. For details, go to

By Janet Martin

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine

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Weight Loss With Little Effort

Weight loss is one of the hottest topics today, with solutions coming in big diet plans, meal replacements, and pills. But are these high-profile fixes really effective? The problem with them is that, even if they do work, they're only going to do you good as long as you stick with them. - And seeing as how they are all either expensive or require an incredible amount of discipline, you aren't really likely to make them a lifelong habit.

There are numerous other ways to lose weight that, while the results may not be mind boggling or very fast, are very simple and easy to implement into your normal, everyday routine. The key here is to keep things as simple as possible. - To change all of the small things we do that put unnecessary weight on. You may be surprised to hear that when it comes to weight loss, a lot of times it's all the little things that really sabotage our plans. Fortunately, these little things are also the easiest to overcome! Here we're going to address two easy things you can do to start losing weight and make sure you keep it off!

The very first thing we have to do is to build up at least a small amount of body muscle. Muscle burns quite a few times more calories at rest than fat does. This is important because this is a key factor in determining your metabolism. If you have ten pounds of muscle, for example, then you are constantly throughout the day burning many, many more calories than you would if you were having to support ten pounds of fat. The easy way to get this muscle: go for low-key, toning exercises. Try things like Pilates, maybe sit-ups or push-ups. Do things that don't take much time, and can be easily introduced into your schedule. Also, make sure to walk as much as you can. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park a little further form the grocery store. These are all great ways to burn some calories, but more importantly, you're slowly building muscle mass, which will burn calories for you.

Finally, we need to look at food intake. As a lover of food myself, I know how easy it is to have something really good in the kitchen that you just have to eat even if you aren't hungry. This is nice, but it's not very good for you, and if you're trying to lose weight, is a no-no. Don't immediately turn off from snacks - just try to say no to them a little at a time, and work yourself up. A big help can be to either stop purchasing these items at the store so that they can't tempt you, or to buy healthier alternatives so that, if you do just need a snack, it's one that's good for you. Also, avoid grocery shopping when you're hungry - you won't be able to resist those delicious foods that will kill you later! Eat good meals, but don't overdo them. You would probably be surprised at how many weight problems originate from a person simply stuffing themselves too much at each meal.

These tips aren't going to cause the weight to melt off of you in the first few days, but rest assured that they will work. The important note to consider is that these are things that are simple to incorporate into your lifestyle so that you won't ever have to worry about your weight becoming an issue again in the future. The advantage in this small-step system is that not only can anyone start it, you also have the power to determine how far you want to take it. If you want to lose just a few pounds, or if you want to seriously tone down, the choice is yours.

By Cole Carson

Cole Carson is a successful internet and network marketer. The Goji Berry Juice golden retriever wants to show you how you can be healthy! Buy Himalayan Goji Juice today!

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5 Love Handle Exercises to Dramatically Burn Fat and Change Your Life for the Better

The studies about obesity in the western world are staggering. Virtually all around the world we are getting fatter and a concentration on love handle exercises is largely ignored. But why is this happening?

A book I have been reading from a Dr Tickell comments about men in general:

1. Men don't really care about putting weight on their bodies until a friend or relative of theirs suddenly drops dead. Then they start to care.

2. Men who are getting fat have higher blood pressure but they don't know about this until something goes wrong because there are no symptoms of blood pressure. Usually men do not get this checked out often enough or go for years without advice.

Women on the other hand, in general, are concerned with:

1. Women are concerned about their thighs and bottoms and about their flabby stomachs.

2. Women want to look good and be seen as classy.

Now the above are generalizations but I think there is a lot of truth for many people in the above statements. So what do you do about combating fat?

Here is a superb love handle exercise routine combining simple exercises and interval training. It can be done anywhere at all, requires no equipment and will take about twenty minutes of your time. How to lose love handles and weight is not complicated. Here is how you go about it.

Love handle exercises and Twenty minute routine:

To get maximum gain remember these four numbers: 8, 12, 20, 4

8 seconds going flat out on your exercise of choice
12 seconds rest.
Repeat the above for 20 minutes
And do this routine 4 times per week.

Studies have shown the immense value in interval training coupled with exercises targeting your mid section.

So with this program the idea is to have fun and add variety to keep you motivated.

So I suggest you take 5 minute blocks of 8 seconds fast and 12 seconds rest like this.

Complete your first 5 minutes doing 8 seconds fast and 12 seconds rest of sprinting on grass.
Then for your second 5 minutes of 8 seconds fast and 12 seconds rest do love handle exercises of side bends and sit ups.
With the third five minute period go back to sprinting again.
And you guessed it - the last five minutes is love handle exercises of side bends and sit ups.

So in total this routine takes 20 minutes and if you do this 4 times a week you will see amazing fat reducing benefits. How to lose love handles and fat around the middle suddenly becomes easier. You tend to enjoy such a program because you can interchange with other exercises.

For example, I often do 5 minutes of cycling (on a stationary bike is best) either at home or in a gym, then 5 minutes of hindu pushups or regular pushups, then 5 minutes of cycling followed by 5 minutes of pushups, once more.

Other great love handle exercises are skipping, back bridges, Hindu squats to interchange with the above.

This superb routine will get you huffing and puffing and with the variety it offers, you will see maximum benefit in a short period of time. The amazing benefit comes from the stopping and starting nature of interval training. This has been well documented for many years. Stopping and starting within an exercise routine in a controlled fashion delivers far more benefits than a long sustained jog for example and is better for your joints.

How to lose love handles need not be difficult. Love handle exercises coupled with interval training is a superb way forward in blasting fat off your body and having fun at the same time.

If you would like to learn how to lose body fat permanently... even in your mushiest spots... without drugs, without supplements and without screwing up your metabolism, then you must visit this world renowned resource.

By Brian Jackway

In the past 15 years, business coach Brian Jackway has owned, trained, managed and coached 146 different businesses to develop sustained, relentless business growth.

Love Handle Exercises - I guarantee it and I've got the results to prove it!

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How To Lose 20 Pounds In 30 Days

There are a lot of us, you know! We want to lose a couple of inches around our waistline and have the scale show less. Why does it seem so difficult to make this happen?

Well, if your beliefs are anything like my beliefs was, you are probably thinking that dieting means so much trouble, will power and tormenting. You have to go hungry all day and when the evening comes you just don't have enough energy to cook food for your children and then put them to bed. Waking up the morning after and not really finding the motivation to keep going another day.

Stop! This is not what dieting is meant to be. Dieting should be fun and interesting. Of course, you should see less pounds on the scale every other day or so. Today, we don't have to feel like crap to do good. We could and should feel extremely well and you should feel an increase in stamina and concentration. Are there any diets working this way?

I don't have to tell you, but of course there is. Many of todays diets are not killers, actually you will feel better once you start the diet. The new diet is called calorie shifting diet. It doesn't starve you out, it won't make you rule certain food groups out and you don't have to read labels, weigh every calorie, no calculations and no upper limits. Do you see a but coming? There is a but, but it is only a small but. You have to cook your own meals from fresh groceries and you have to stop eating just short of full. Sounds easy? It is.

The purpose of this diet is not to starve every ounce of fat out, instead it affects your metabolism into burning fat better and at the same time your insulin level stabilizes and this prevents from putting new fat into the fat cells.

If you want to make the diet more effective you could combine it with exercising. There are new findings within the exercising area. Today there are more effective programs that take less time to use successfully.

Back to the dieting. In the calorie shifting diet you go on a diet for eleven days and then you get three free days. During the three free days you could eat whatever your heart desires but I recommend that you use some common sense, don't go to the local fast food bar or something like that. During the diet period you are given a diet that is based on the foods you like. Alcohol is allowed but only a glass of wine per day, no more. If you don't want to you don't need to consume any alcohol at all.

By Jennifer Olsen

Jennifer Olsen was a master of failing at different diets. She understood that there were more to losing weight then just going on a diet. Today she has lost nearly 50 pounds with the calorie-shifting diet and meanwhile she has finished reading 'Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle' and she is implementing what she learned into daily activities.

She made a mini-site that gives examples of diets, complete fast weight loss diets and reviews of books that helped her stop living the unhealthy life and turning around into a more healthy life-style. If you are interested in learning more please Click Here!

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Weight Loss After Pregnancy - How to Lose Those Unwanted Pounds

If you've ever had a baby before you probably know that your body after pregnancy is not going to be the same as it was pre-pregnancy. Everything is not necessarily negative from here on out, but it does admittedly become harder to look your pre-pregnancy best.

There's a good chance that you won't fit into your jeans anymore, just as there's a good chance that it will take a miracle for you to fit into size ten jeans even again! Alright, so that was just defeatist but sometimes facts have to be faced, and one of these is that your body after pregnancy will not be the same. Until and unless you do something about it you will more than likely retain some of the weight that you gained during pregnancy. This can be slightly disheartening of course, but only if you let it.

The first step to losing your post pregnancy weight, and to changing your body after pregnancy to be the one you want it to be, is to have a positive attitude. The second thing that you need is a little realism. Unless you have loads of money to throw around, you are not going to be able to achieve the body you want within a few months of giving birth. It will more than likely take you about the same amount of time to lose the weight that it took for you to put on the weight.

Once you have gotten this down firmly in your head, your next step to reshaping your body after pregnancy is to pinpoint a healthy weight loss plan that you can realistically carry out. There is no use in formulating a weight loss plan that is fantastic if you are not going to be able to carry it out on a daily basis.

The next thing you want to do to reclaim your body after pregnancy is to get a good exercise routine going. It doesn't have to be anything too strenuous, just something that makes you move around a little. Before you begin on this course of action, you should ideally consult with your doctor as to when you should start to exercise.

By Susan Olsen

The are professional methods that helps you lose your unwanted pregnancy pounds. If you want to know more about weight gain and weight loss after pregnancy read here.

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