Thursday, April 23, 2009

What to Do After Your Breast Cancer Treatment is Finished've done it. You went through the chemo. You may have gone through radiation. Maybe you even had surgery. But now it's all over. The chemicals have killed your cancer cells. So, now what? The fact that you're still here is a testament to your will to live, but your body is in rough shape. Your hair might be gone. You've lost weight. Every cell in your body has been poisoned.

It's strange how no one ever really tells you what to do after your breast cancer treatment is finished. I'm sure many clinics and hospitals have after care programs, but they're seldom useful. Your body is broken down and it needs to be restored to its natural state. Not only that, the treatment you've just suffered through may have killed the breast cancer, but the underlying conditions that put it there in the first place haven't gone anywhere. It's time to clean it all up.

You see, conventional cancer treatments...conventional medicine in general seems to only concern itself with symptoms and not causes. Have a headache? Take this pill every time you have one and you'll never have one. Or...figure out the underlying cause of the headache and fix that and you can forget about the headache and the pill. You've killed the cancer. Now it's time to attack what made your body a nice place for cancer to thrive in. It could be your immune system. It could be your oxygen levels. It could be your pH. there are a host of things that can cause breast cancer. Once you find the right natural remedies that will reverse all of these conditions you can be sure that your breast cancer will never come back.

Most doctors and the medical establishment in general don't care for natural cancer treatments. Not because they don't work, but because they are natural and can't be patented as a drug. Why cure your breast cancer when they can keep you coming back for years? You're a customer, not a patient. Now that your breast cancer treatment is finished, take the time to restore your body back to health. Once everything is back in balance, you'll feel like your old self again in no time.

By Vanessa Ryan

You can get access to over 350 natural, non-toxic cancer treatments and 2,000 testimonials of people who have used them when you click here now: Kill Your Breast Cancer

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The Biggest Problem With Conventional Breast Cancer Treatment

In my opinion, there are many problems with conventional breast cancer treatment. They have a very low overall success rate. They are horribly invasive. They are barbaric. They rob you of your dignity, sometimes even your body parts. But perhaps the biggest problem with conventional breast cancer treatment is the fact that you are not really a patient, but a customer. And that they in no way are interested in actually curing your breast cancer because then you wouldn't have to come back and that wouldn't be a profitable way to do business.

Think about it for a moment. The big three in conventional breast cancer treatment are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. And which one always seems to be recommended no matter what? Chemotherapy. Get your breasts cut off...better pump you full of chemo just to be safe. Zap you with radiation...better pump you full of chemo just to be safe. It's obscene.

The companies that make these chemotherapy drugs are multi-billion dollar public corporations. This means they have shareholders. This also means they are obligated to try and increase the value of shares in their company. So, if your breast cancer is cured and you no longer need treatment, how are they supposed to make any money? Anyone with even the slightest business sense knows that fortunes are made through repeat business. If your cancer is "managed" rather than "cured" you'll have to come back again and again and again.

All these stories you hear of people getting rid of their breast cancer with natural remedies aren't made up. Natural breast cancer remedies are out there. They are gentle and they are effective. But they are also available in nature and therefore cannot be patented. Are you beginning to see the pattern?

I'm not saying that conventional doctors or even drug companies want you to die. They'd like nothing more than to keep your cancer under control, as long as it is on their terms. As long as you're a customer for as long as possible.

Don't you think it's time to stand up and take control of your own breast cancer treatment? You may end up choosing chemo or surgery anyway, but at least make an informed decision. Learn as much as you can about all the different treatments available. You have the power...all you have to do is use it.

By Vanessa Ryan

You can get access to over 350 non-toxic natural breast cancer treatments as well as 2,000 testimonials from people who have actually used them when you click here right now: Kill Your Breast Cancer

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Common Acne Issues

There are some common acne issues that can really be annoying. Knowing the name of the terms and what they mean can help you know more about the causes and solutions to acne issues that are most common. Moist mild and moderate pimple problems can be diagnosed easily and treated fast and effectively. Protecting your skin from everyday influences is the first step to an acne free life. No one wants to deal with pimple crop ups all the time. Knowing what they mean and how to rid you of them forever, is key to a happy life.

The Comedones

The most common acne issues are the comedones, blackheads and whiteheads. Blackheads are the pimples that consist of excess oil and dry skin inside the lesion. They tend to be non-inflammatory and do not rise too much above the skin or cause pain. Whiteheads are the type of acne that blocks hair follicles with dead skin and oils. These tend to get raised, inflamed and are sometimes painful. They also become infected and fill with pus, how they get the name whitehead. To prevent this type of acne you will need to wash your face daily to remove the oily build up that naturally occurs or can occur with makeup use. If you find that this type of acne is not localized to solely your face area, see your doctor in case there is an underlying medical issue causing the issue.

Cysts And Nodules

These common acne issues are deeper problems. They are pimples located far beneath the skins surface and rarely make it to the upper and outer layers. These are usually very painful and filled with puss. The other issue with this type of acne is that it can get fairly large and usually causes a hard lump on the outer part of your skin. The actual cause of this acne is not really understood. Some people think it is due to hormones, bacterial issues, or genetics. To treat this type of acne you will want to find out why you are getting it. Seeing a doctor can help you to decide if there is an underlying problem causing it. This is especially important if nothing you have tried so far has helped the situation and it keeps coming back.

Medication Induced Acne

There is some common acne issues that are medication induced. This means that the medicines you are on are causing some form of reaction that is making you break out with pimples. Steroids and other hormones are the number one cause of this. One of the major complaints for those with asthma and on birth control is the out breaks in acne that happen consistently. For many these chemicals make oil production go into over drive and also mess up hormones. If you find that you developed acne or it has gotten worse after beginning specific medications, talk to your doctor to see if you can have it changed to something else.

By Tom Miles

Tom Miles writes acne and other health related articles for the Acne Sorted website at

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7 Expert Tips That Rid Even the Severest Acne Case in Just Days! Discover the Cleansing Cure Now!

Acne is a cause of embarrassment to any girl. It makes her uneasy in company and inhibits her from meeting new people.

She will try almost any thing from drugs to home remedies to get rid of her acne.

1. Stop touching the acne. Acne is infectious and will carry to other parts of the face if you touch even one of them. So never pick or squeeze the acne or it will only help spread them more.

If one happen to ooze out then use a fresh piece of cotton wool to wipe the ooze and discard the cotton right away.

2. More of fresh fruit and vegetable. Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetable is important for eliminating the toxins within the body and cleansing the blood system. Plenty of salads too are recommended.

3. Corrective washing. No scrubbing of the face when washing. Water should be splashed gently on the face. It is alright to use a gently cleanser when washing. Washing of the face should neither be too frequent nor too little.

4. Drink plenty of water. Increase your water intake to flush out the toxins from the body. Usually eight glasses of water per day is the recommended dosage for an adult.

5. The right makeup. Oil based makeup helps clog the skin pores thus preventing the body oils from being released. This helps the breakout of acne. Always opt for the water based makeup instead.

6. Keep your hands off your face. Acne is basically a bacterium that is infectious and spreads to other parts of the face. Avoid touching your face too frequently especially if it is not freshly washed before touching. Dirty hands help spread the acne.

7. Home remedies. If the acne is red and swollen then the best thing is to use an icepack. That will help reduce the swelling and cool the surface thus removing the redness.

Other applications like tea tree oil, ginger paste or tomato pulp, and salted water help reduce the acne.

By Jenny Melbourne

A Sure Shot All Natural Way Which Cured My Acne In 3 Days! Do you know that I cleared up my acne within 3 days? There is a proven guaranteed all natural way to get rid of acne in just 3 days. This is one thing you just can't afford to miss at any cost. I strongly urge you to read each and every word on the next page - Click Here

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Warning - Read This Before Your Acne Becomes Extremely Worse! Acne Clearing Mistakes Revealed!

There are many causes of acne. It could be anything from stress and tension to hygiene and lifestyle too. Knowing the cause can help in the treatment of acne.

1. Clogged pores prevent the release of oil on the surface of the skin, thereby causing the formation of bacteria which then causes acne. It is thus essential to keep the pores clean and open to allow the oil to be released. That helps to keep the skin clear.

2. Fast foods and greasy foods are commonly believed to cause acne. However, this is not the case. Instead milk and milk products are believed to worsen the out break of acne. Eating of fresh fruits, vegetables and salads along with plenty of water and fresh fruit juices help keep the skin clean and clear.

3. Lack of hygiene is another misconception. On the contrary it is the washing off of the oil and the lack of it at the skin surface which causes the acne to erupt. Too much washing of the face should be avoided especially using soap on the face.

4. Stress is said to be a cause of acne. Contrary to belief, it is the hormonal effect on the skin which causes acne. To deal with hormonal causes, one will need to eat right, maintain hygiene and correct lifestyle in order to maintain a balance in health conditions.

5. Heredity is known to be another cause of acne. While acne is already known to be prevalent in the family, it can be prevented by taking correct measures well in advance.

6. Cosmetics are a known cause of acne. Not all cosmetics suit all skin types. Careful use of cosmetics is advisable. Water based as against oil based cosmetics should be given preference.

7. Weather conditions are another cause of acne. The sun and the wind can be too harsh for the skin. Proper skin preventive measures to handle weather conditions will help.

These tips will help keep acne at bay, while maintaining a clean and clear skin.

By Jenny Melbourne

A Sure Shot All Natural Way Which Cured My Acne In 3 Days! Do you know that I cleared up my acne within 3 days? There is a proven guaranteed all natural way to get rid of acne in just 3 days. This is one thing you just can't afford to miss at any cost. I strongly urge you to read each and every word on the next page - Click Here

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Reduce Even the Severest Acne in Just a Few Days! The Diet Secret That Destroys Acne, Guaranteed!

Diet plays a very important role in the health of any person. The kind of diet one indulges in will show in one's face. So do not be deceived that people are not around you to see what and how much you eat.

1. Abstain from fried stuffs. Too much oil within the body causes the toxins and bacteria that we need to avoid. If the pores are clogged and the oils are not able to surface then it leads to bacteria and acne.

2. Abundance of fruit and vegetable. The consumption of fruit and vegetable should be to the maximum and in its pure form. Fruit should be had fresh and in fruit form while vegetables should be as sparsely cooked as possible. Salads too should be in plenty.

3. Plenty of water. Water should be consumed in plentiful. Around eight glasses of water per day is the recommended dosage for an adult person. Water flushes out the toxins from the body.

4. Stay away from processed foods and simple carbs. Processed foods and simple carbs help build up the toxins in the body and instigate a dirty colon which contributes to acne eruption on the face.

5. Eat fiber rich foods. Cereals and other fiber rich foods act as roughage and help keep the colon clean and hydrated. Psyllium husks help clear the bowel regularly and act as a sponge while cleaning the colon.

6. Reduce certain foods. Reduce milk and milk products as far as possible. Reduce also peanuts, peanut butter, walnuts, pistachio and hazel nuts. Consume sugar, white flour and simple sweets in moderation.

7. Include certain foods. Fish has a high content of omega 3 which is good for a healthy skin and prevention of acne. Eggs, whole grains and mushrooms are a source of Zinc which helps naturally cure your acne.

Following a healthy diet will help you not only cure the acne you have but also prevent further acne from erupting.

By Jenny Melbourne

A Sure Shot All Natural Way Which Cured My Acne In 3 Days! Do you know that I cleared up my acne within 3 days? There is a proven guaranteed all natural way to get rid of acne in just 3 days. This is one thing you just can't afford to miss at any cost. I strongly urge you to read each and every word on the next page - Click Here

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Hormonal Acne Treatment - The Only Thing Anyone Needs to Know to Get Completely Clear

Hormonal acne treatment is the only way you'll ever get your skin clear. Now while that may seem like a worrisome statement, I assure you it's the best news you'll hear today.

How come?

Well I know many of you might be thinking that hormonal acne treatment means going on birth control (tough luck if you're a guy) or trying to find a mad scientist who will inject you with some glowing serum. I assure you this is not the case!

There is one completely natural, 100% safe and super effective hormonal acne treatment that will work for anyone regardless if you're young, old, male, female, pregnant, etc. Whatever your background or story, it doesn't matter, this WILL work.

So spill the beans already!

So yo really want to know? OK prepare yourself. The only way to cure your acne for good is to stop eating certain foods and eat more of others. That's it. OK, it's slightly more complicated than that, you also have to drink more water. Real complicated, I know!

So what to avoid? Well these are the most common foods that will cause hormonal imbalances in your body. Be aware different people are affected more/less by different foods, but generally speaking, the following are the worst:

Milk and dairy

Vegetable/Cooking oil

Red Meat

Refined Carbohydrates (White bread, white rice, pasta, etc)

Sugar (A chocolate bar every once in a while is OK)

So what's the good stuff. Well, anything natural is good for you. When food shopping, try to stick mainly to the outside isles in a supermarket as all the natural items usually reside here while all the processed food items are in the middle isles. Specifically, try to eat as many green, leafy vegetables as you can while drinking a lot of water. I usually drink up to a quart or more a day. Both of these are great for bringing your body back into balance and will control your hormonal imbalances.

So now that you now, there's no reason you shouldn't start your hormonal acne treatment today. Get back the clear skin you deserve by treating the real cause of your breakouts.

By Felix Schmieder

By pursuing a hormonal acne treatment, you begin to see that your skin will clear itself naturally without the use of harsh chemicals on your skin. Stop throwing your money down the drain and start treating your acne the right way.

Imagine you never had to worry about how your skin looked ever again. No more rushing to the mirror when you wake up to see if there was another breakout, no more trying to hide your face from your friends. To discover how you can stop breakouts and be acne free in just days, go to

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Treatment For Hormonal Acne - The Real Way to Stop My Breakouts

Most people looking to clear their acne completely ignore the most important aspect. They fail to seek a treatment for hormonal acne. Why is this the most important aspect? Because all types of acne, regardless of who you are or what your situation is, is hormonal.
Everyone from teenagers to adults who have acne are suffering from hormonal imbalances and by failing to seek treatment for hormonal acne, they are dooming themselves to suffering from breakouts needlessly.

So what can you do? Well good news for you, the treatment is universal! You have to focus on your diet; avoid the bad stuff and focus on the good stuff to use scientific terms.

First, the bad stuff. Dairy, red meat, vegetable oil, refined carbs like white bread or white rice and excess sugars all have to be cut out, or failing that, reduced. All of these contribute to hormonal imbalances in our bodies which cause breakouts. If you're a teenager or pregnant, you'll still have raging hormones, but by avoiding these bad foods, you'll see an amazing improvement in the quality of your skin.

Now the good. Green leafy vegetables are awesome because they are full of alkaline materials that help bring our body back into balance. Try to eat as many serving as possible of items such as spinach, arugala, romaine, etc. Iceberg lettuce does not count as it offers no important nutrients.

Water is also another key ingredient to consume. Drink the normal 6-8 cups of water, then drink some more. Water helps flush our systems of toxins and also brings our body back into balance.

Apples are another great food to eat a lot of. They also help flush out toxins from our bodies and have many important ingredient that help keep our bodies healthy.

By avoiding things that are bad for you and embracing the ones that are good, you'll find that treatment for hormonal acne is incredibly effective. This will work for anyone and can clear you in a short amount of time.

By Felix Schmieder

When you start a treatment for hormonal acne that is natural and addresses the real root problem, you'll see some pretty amazing results. Natural treatments that involve diet will work for anyone regardless of their background or circumstances.

If you want to find the exact steps you need to follow to clear your acne in a matter of days, read the guide at In it you'll find the specific causes and cures that have been clinically proven to work for anyone and are guaranteed to get you clear.

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Best Treatment For Adult Acne - The Cause of Adult Onset Acne and How to Clear it Naturally

With all the commercials for the latest gels, creams or whatever else, it's pretty hard to decide what the best treatment for adult acne is. I'm here to inform you that none of the gels and creams in the entire world will cure your acne!

How do I know? Because acne is caused by hormones in our bodies. A gel or cream on your face isn't going to diddly squat for your acne because it can't treat the real problem, it can only treat some of the symptoms.

These hormones become pretty apparent during our teen years. Acne typically makes itself known as our bodies go haywire during puberty and produce a large number of hormones. These same hormones are causing your acne breakouts today. This is why people who never even had acne as teenagers are suffering from it in their adulthood.

So what's the best treatment for adult acne? You have to change around your diet. The liver and kidneys are unable to keep up with the sheer amount of toxins in our bodies and are unable to get rid of the excess hormones these toxins cause to be released. Under normal conditions, the liver "retires" these hormones in a timely matter, but the backlog from our poor diets allows these hormones to run rampant, causing excess oil production and breakouts.

By avoiding bad foods like dairy products, red meats, excess sugars and simple and refined carbohydrates like white bread, pasta and white rice, you can reduce the amount of toxins in your body and cut down on the amount of hormones running rampant in your system.

Likewise, you should also be trying to consume as much water, green vegetables and apples as possible. Combined, these three are great at controlling excess hormones and will eliminate toxins from your body.

The best treatment for adult acne is to first realize that anything you put on your skin will never work. Once you realize that, you will finally be able to accept a natural treatment that revolves around a healthy diet.

The hardest part is taking the first step.

By Felix Schmieder

Once you realize that the best treatment for adult acne revolves solely around your diet, you can quickly cure your acne by avoiding bad foods and eating good foods.

For the only clinically proven, step by step guide that will show you how to permanently cure your acne, end the breakouts, regain your natural inner balance and achieve the lasting clear skin you deserve, go to

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Breast Cancer - How to Succeed


When a group of cells display uninhibited growth, which refers to division beyond the normal limits, this phenomenon is commonly referred to as cancer. Other characteristics include an attack and destruction of surrounding tissues, and the spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood, which is known as metastasis.

These malignant, which refers to a severe and progressively worsening disease, properties of cancers differentiate them from benign tumors, which are self-limited and do not invade or metastasise.

A tumor refers to a swelling or lesion formed by an unusually high growth of cells and occurs with most cancers. However, some, like leukemia, do not produce tumors.

Breast cancer becomes established, initially, in the cells of the breast in men and women. On a worldwide basis, the second most established form of cancer, after lung cancer, is that of breast cancer. It represents 10% of all cancers relating to both sexes. It is the fifth most common cause of cancer death.

The most common type of cancer specifically related to women, globally, is that of breast cancer. It occurs at more than twice the rate of that of colorectal cancer and cervical cancer and about three times that of lung cancer. Further, in the case of women, deaths from breast cancer, worldwide, is approximately 25% more than that from lung cancer.

In a study in 2005, it was found that breast cancer produced 502,000 deaths worldwide. To get this into context, this represents about 7% of all cancer deaths, and nearly 1% of all recorded deaths. Further, there has been a substantial increase, globally, in breast cancer since the 1970s. This statistic, it is suggested, may be associated with modern lifestyles in the western world.

On a global basis, the occurrence of breast cancer differs significantly according to region. It is less widespread in less-developed countries and more so in the further-developed countries. In the twelve designated regions of the world, the annual incidence rates per 100,000 women are as follows: Eastern Asia, 18; Southern Central Asia, 22; sub-Saharan Africa, 22; South-Eastern Asia, 26; North Africa and Western Asia, 28; South and Central America, 42; Eastern Europe, 49; Southern Europe, 56; Northern Europe, 73; Oceania, 74; Western Europe, 78; and in North America, 90.

The United States has the highest incidence rates of breast cancer in women, globally. A study has shown 141 cases among white women and 122 among African American women. Also in the US, breast cancer amongst women is the most prevalent cancer. After lung cancer, it produces the second highest occurrence of deaths from all cancers.

There is a 12.5% chance of women in the US developing invasive breast cancer within their lifetime. Further, there is a 3% chance that the breast cancer that they may contract will actually cause their death. A forecast has suggested that, in 2007, breast cancer would be the cause of 40,910 deaths in the US. This would represent some 7% of cancer deaths, and almost 2% of all deaths.

For the last few years, both the incidence and death rates from breast cancer in the US have been in decline. In 2005, a study conducted in the US by the Society for Women's Health Research concluded that breast cancer remains the disease that causes the most concern. This is an interesting outcome since heart disease is a much more widespread determinant when considering all deaths among women.

Breast cancer is also prevalent in men. This is due to the fact that the breast is composed of identical tissues in respect of both genders. However, it must be remembered that the manifestation of breast cancer in men is some 100 times less common than that in women. Conversely, men with breast cancer are considered to have the same statistical survival rates as women.

By Peter Radford

Peter Radford writes Articles with Websites on a wide range of subjects. Breast Cancer Articles cover Background, Symptoms, Risk, Prevention, Treatment.

Website has many more.

View his Website at:

View his Blog at:

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How to Detect and Treat Breast Cancer

It can be very helpful to know more about how to detect breast cancer because when it is diagnosed early it can be treated more effectively.

The breast is composed of a group of glands and ducts protected by a fatty tissue. When cancer occurs the cells start to divide and multiply quickly growing in an abnormal pace. It can start within the mammary glands or ducts and spread to the lymph nodes and the fat tissue around the breast. Although, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer amongst women under 35, only 8,000 women are diagnosed before their menopause, of which 2,000 are in their 20s or 30s, out of 44,000 women diagnosed each year.

There are some factors that can increase the risk of a woman developing breast cancer they are as follows:

  • Starting menstruation at a young age, before 12 years old.

  • Late menopause, after 55 years old

  • Being overweight, in particular after the menopause

  • If it is in the family history and/or inherited genes

  • Intake of HRT - only while taking it, the risks are reduced after stopping taking it

  • Regular intake of more than one unit of alcohol every day

  • Having previously had breast cancer

What symptoms you should be alert to?

  • Unexpected change in size or anatomy of the breast

  • Unexpected changes of the nipple, such as changing position or shape, becoming inverted or developing a rash or discharge

  • Skin of the breast appears puckered or dimpled

  • Continuous pain in one area either in the breast or under the armpit

  • Swelling of the armpit or in the region of the collarbone

  • A lump or thickening in the breast or armpit

How can breast cancer be diagnosed?

If you notice any of these symptoms or are concerned about any of them see your GP and he will exam you and if necessary refer you to a breast clinic for further examination and ultrasound scan or mammogram (breast X-ray). In case a lump is found, cells can be extracted with a delicate needle, or a biopsy can be performed to ascertain if the lump is malignant. The earlier it is detected the more effective the treatment can be. Learn how to do breast self-examination, as it makes easier to know your breasts and recognise any unnatural changes on them.

What are the types of treatment available?

Your specialist will decide on the type of treatment that would suit you best depending on the stage of the tumour, your age as well as your overall health condition and other factors. The treatment can include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or hormone therapy, either on their own or mixed within any order or combination.

By Jon Wade

J.P.Wade runs, a health and fitness community,

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6 Things You Can Do to Prevent Breast Cancer

With 49,000 new cases and 11,000 deaths per year, breast cancer has experienced a doubling of cases during the past 25 years. And yet, we can prevent this cancer by some simple habits. The risk of breast cancer may be lowered, so play your part!

Just like it is for lung cancer, the causes of breast cancer are easily identified, Only recently a number of these factors have been formally recognized by the light of specific studies. So lets take a look at what you can to to prevent breast cancer and live a healthy life.

Eat less and better.

Again, food is central to the prevention of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, but also breast cancer, Food is also responsible in the occurrence of a second cancer. Regardless of overweight, trans fats (pastries, pizza, etc.) are increasing by more than double the risk of breast cancer. If it adds an overweight (especially in case of breakdown "android" fat, in short a big belly), the fatty tissue acts like a gland secretory estrogen promoters of cancer, especially after menopause.

Keep Moving!

Thirty minutes of real physical activity (not just vacuuming and ironing!) would reduce the risk of breast cancer by 30 to 40%. Keeping your body in shape is one of the best weapon against all form of cancers. It may be difficult at first to get out and doing some physical activities but the rewards are fantastic. A simple bicycle ride every day is enough to stay in shape. So let's move!

Drink less than one glass of alcohol per day.

Once the equivalent of 10 grams (one glass), the rate of circulating hormones (estrogen always) grows, as does the risk of tumor growth, especially breast. The risk increase by 9% every 10 grams of alcohol ingested. Alcohol is one of the worst enemy for pregnant women.

Make your first baby around 25 years old.

This factor is the "heavy" in terms of risk ... At least 20% of cancers would be redundant due to the increasingly late age of the first full-term pregnancy, which is nearly 30 years today.

Nurse your baby ideally for 6 months.

The risk decreases with the number of children and especially if they were breastfed: endogène secretion of estrogen are dropping considerably during pregnancy and weaning.

Protect yourself against xenoestrogens.

A xenophobic estrogen is a chemical compound, which is recognized by a living organism as an estrogen.

You must especially avoid periods where your body is changing and more vulnerable to hormonal changes, ie when you are pregnant of a baby girl (for him to avoid breast cancer later.

Breast cancer accounts for one third of new cancers in women. If it is detected early, it is better supported. Women with breast cancer benefit from treatment tailored to their pathology. Four technologies are mainly used. In order of importance: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy. Since the year 2000 medical advance has been made on all fronts in the fight against breast cancer. Early detection and treatment are essential to defeat the disease.

Good Luck!

By James S. Pendergraft

Florida Abortions Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including Medical Abortions, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services.

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Breast Cancer - How to Know If You Have Breast Cancer

One of the major killers of women all over the world is breast cancer. While its cause is not yet established, it is agreed and proven that factors such as your body size, age, level of alcohol and fat content can make you contract the disease. So, in order to avoid it, it s highly advisable for you to lose weight, reduce your alcohol consumption, engage in exercise and avoid at all cost fatty foods.

Changes in the size of the breast is one of the features of breast cancer. However, this does not mean that you have the disease when there is a drastic change in the size of your breast. This is why it is essential to see a doctor when you notice a change in the size of your breast. Don't jump into conclusion and panic yet that it is breast cancer. Let the doctor be the judge of that.

Ignorance is very costly when it comes to the issue of breast cancer. You should not be ignorant about the disease. It is even advisable that you read everything out there on the subject. According to statistics, it is estimated that cancer of the breast affects one out of every eleven women in the world. This is why you should not treat the subject with kid's gloves.

One of the steps to quickly detecting the presence of cancer in your breast is a regular examination of your breast. How? You need to examine it for limps and irregular shape and size. This approach may not be very effective for breasts that has undergone augmentation or implantation as lumps cannot be easily detected in such breast as a result of alteration of the breast. This is why you should not go for breast reform that will make detection of lumps impossible.

It is believed that breast cancer is related to the level and production of some hormones in the body. If this is true, then it means that receiving hormone therapy can cause hormonal imbalance that can consequently lead to breast cancer. However, you should realize that going for hormone therapy is still relevant in the treatment of ailments such as depressions. In such cases, it is highly advisable that you receive your therapy from a professional.

By Ras Reed

It matters not how much you think you are informed regarding Breast Cancer information like resources about Breast Cancer And Its Symptoms, as well as Breast Cancer Detection And Treatment, visit Ras Reed's site to be thrilled with very essential information.

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Breast Cancer - Its Gestation Period - Signs to Watch Watch Out For and What to Do

Break cancer is a disease that is commonly found in women. No woman ever prays for it, because it could lead to death. Yet every woman stands the risk of contracting it.

The gestational period of breast cancer can be divided into four stages; the fourth stage constitutes the most horrible because it is the stage at which the disease spreads to other parts of the body. It is hardly noticed at the first stage; but it becomes visible as it progresses. The fourth stage is the last stage, even if the breast is removed at that stage, it does not make any difference, as it must have spread to other parts of the body. Including the blood and the lymph.

• Change in outline, shape or size of the breast
• Puckering or dimpling of the skin
• Lump or thickening in the breast or armpit
• Flaking skin or discharge from the nipple
• Unusual pain or discomfort in the breast

Even though, it is believed that there is nothing any woman can do to prevent breast cancer, the important thing is to take necessary precaution especially undergoing medical examination from time to time; and checking the breasts for any sign especially if there is a lump somewhere. Lumps can only become visible at the second or third stage of the cancer. But if detected, necessary corrective surgeries can be carried out. If it goes beyond this and spreads to other parts of the body, especially the lymph is nothing anyone can do again.

By Ibatereh Daniel

If you desure to read more of my past write-ups then log For more info on you can visit

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All Women Fear Breast Cancer

Women hear about the high incidence of breast cancer in the community. Most of us will have friends or relatives who have suffered the disease and the subsequent associated medical treatments - chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Some women experience years of prolongation of life and remain healthy after even radical treatment. Others cannot cope with the extreme discomfort and succumb to the disease even after a short period of apparent cure. Some do not wish to continue living after surgical removal of either one or both breasts. We all respond differently to both illness and to treatment but it is certain that all women share an intense desire to avoid the disease.

We would wish to avoid invasive modern treatment of cancer if there are alternatives. New hope arises on the horizon for all women, with each new medical discovery seeming to promise a cure. We are still waiting. However, we must not fear cancer, we must focus upon its prevention and this is difficult. Every scientist will admit that the challenge is made difficult because the disease itself is the result of complex causes.

There have been claims for cancer cure by following self help natural methods and some have resulted in a cure. It is also interesting to study methods of curing breast cancer in various countries and medical systems. But it is more productive to focus upon the more reliably documented information we have about the natural foods and substances that are proven to build our body defences. Vitality is the top priority for the body's defence against any disease. Best results can be anticipated if we focus upon the health rules and have faith in the wonderful healing powers that reside naturally in the body.

All the physical health rules are well known nowadays. However it is the practise of them that remains our constant discipline. We can be encouraged to keep up our fitness programmes of mind and body through group participation such as yoga and tai chi and others but it remains our own personal choices that determine the results.

We need to pay special attention to physical exercises that stimulate circulation of blood and help the function of lymph and mammary glands through movement of the arms. However, it is not only what we do, but also what we must not do that is important. We are reminded to avoid any negative habits and all the known carcinogens ...including smoking, alcohol, drugs, chemical ingestion, polluted air, lazy respiration, lack of oxygen, insufficient exercise, stress, depression, and processed foods. To maximize our chances of avoiding breast cancer we must also avoid cosmetics, skin creams and products that contain aluminium, artificial scents and colouring, and also any product that contain any chemical termed 'propyl' which has become suspect in causing cancer.

Most importantly Do not use suppressant deodorants. We need to encourage natural release of toxins through underarm perspiration.

Be aware that offensive perspiration is often a symptom of poor kidney function or other health problems that can often be treated by naturopathic methods.

By Sally Janssen

Sally Janssen is a writer and educator who from an early age trained in Raja Yoga--that branch of the ancient science that deals with the mind and its complexities. She subsequently gained an international reputation for her skills and her wisdom in the training of the mind.

In her wonderfully readable book entitled Mental Fitness: The Complete Self-help Guide she presents simple, self-help practices that help to generate and maintain mental fitness just as the natural principles of physical fitness can be personally applied by us all. The book may be found here: This really is a must-read book for us all. Sally also welcomes you to visit her blog at

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Information on Acne

Acne is an inflammation of the skin that affects a large portion of people between twelve and twenty-four years of age. It can also affect some people at later stages of life. The exact cause of acne is not known, but is considered to have many possible causes.

Some of the things that are believed to contribute to acne are:

  • Allergies

  • Heredity

  • Stress

  • Junk Food

  • Cosmetics

  • Menstrual Cycle

  • Hydrogenated Fats

These are just a few of the factors thought to add to the flare ups of acne. What is known is that your skin needs to breathe and if the pores become clogged, bacteria can occur with acne as the result. You will notice dirty skin is not listed as a part of the cause and over washing can irritate the condition and make it worse.

There are options on how to treat acne once it begins. You can change your diet to see if a food allergy could be contributing to your acne. There are also vitamins and herbs you can take to help with your acne issues.

Be sure to shampoo your hair frequently enough to make sure the oil produced from your hair is not adding to the clogging of your pores. Wash your face gently with a natural soap designed for acne.

Avoid wearing makeup as much as possible. Although this is very difficult to do when you are hoping to cover the acne up with makeup it may be making the acne worse in the long run.

Avoid stress if at all possible. Stress can be a contributing factor in many things but definitely in acne.

Above all else avoid any squeezing of the acne spots. Doing so will only cause more inflammation and possible infection of the area.

There are many over the counter acne treatments you can try to see how they work for you. If your acne is very severe consider a dermatologist. If you prefer natural treatments, the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in New South Wales, Australia found that tea tree oil was very effective on acne.

By Cheryl D. Shank

Cheryl Shank has a web site on home treatments of acne that you may want to visit at: Acne Home Treatments

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How to Get Rid of Blind Pimples - 5 Home Remedies on How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast

Blind Pimples are not an all right sign for your skin formation. The reason is that it creates irritating spots, blackheads, whiteheads, and blemishes around your skin areas. You may notice that blind pimples can sometimes be painful and have a hard time getting rid of them. So, what are some ways on how to get rid of them?

1. Drink Lots of Water & Fruit Juices

It's mainly important for you to drink an adequate amount of water and juices in order to get rid of acne. Most acne removal juices consist of: orange, grate fruits, pomegranate, apple, pear, guava, and pine apple, etc.

2. Apply Biocutis on Pimples

If you apply such cream on your whitehead areas of skin, you will be 100% able to dispose of pimples quickly.

3. Drink Plenty of Lemon Juice

During blind pimples treatment, it becomes very important for you to drink at least 2 glasses of lemon juice exactly early in the morning. This would get rid of the toxins in your body, and makes your skin surface pleasant.

4. Eat Less Peppery Foods

If you want to get rid of blind pimples, keep away from peppery food such as, Chicken Kari, mutton Kari, green pepper, and red pepper, etc. as much as you can.

5. Apply a Paste of Cucumber, Coriander, and Mint on Your Pimples

Apply such paste on your acne skin areas. You will be able to dispose of blind pimples fast.

In brief, we can say that all of those blind pimples treatments are quite extra special, and simple to practice.

By Jessica Abbott

Are you sick and tired of looking in the mirror everyday only to notice your horrible acne? Have you been trying everything but still not seeing results? If so, the reason is you're doing EVERYTHING wrong! If you want to clear up your acne in less then a week permanently and would like more information, then check out

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Types of Acne - Which Type Could Be Yours?

There are many types of acne that people may never even heard of and of course the popular types of acne are Acne vulgaris, and Acne rosacea. Other types of acne can be more serious than others and depending on your skin type it could be something that is not that common. Some are caused by reactions to make-up, while others are just washing the face or body constantly and would cause a different type of breakout. These are some types of acne.

1. Acne Vulgaris: Is the most common type of acne and generally adolescents to young adult have this condition. Acne Vulgaris are typically whiteheads and blackheads.

2. Acne Rosacea: The second most common among adults and is a chronic disorder affecting facial skin of the cheeks, forehead, chin, and nose that may include solid raised lesions, pimples, dilated blood vessels and redness.

3. Acne Mechanica: This condition is caused by physical trauma such as tight clothes, rubbing, underneath helmets and chinstraps worn by athletes. Constant sweat and heat can contribute to this. This can be prevented by wearing clean clothes that is made of cotton or a material that keeps moisture off of the skin. For athletes, wash after exercising which will reduce the chance of this happening.

4. Acne Fulminans: This condition is an acute, but severe type of acne that is accompanies by joint pain and/or fever. This is triggered by high levels of testosterone which is by people who legally or illegally have taken muscle enhancing drugs.

5. Acne Detergens: This type of acne is caused by sufferers who are compulsive face washers. This type of behavior can lead to acne mechanica.

6. Acne, Pomade: This type of acne occurs normally in African-Americans who use pomades to eliminate the curl in the hair. The pomade gets transferred from the hair to the hands to the face. This blocks the skin's oil glands and causes breakouts or acne like lesions.

7. Acne, Cystic: A severe type of acne that which the follicle wall ruptures due to the sebum; this causes an inflamed reaction that may cause scarring.

8. Acne, Adult: In the teenage years kids are haunted by pimples and blemishes. Not so often it can creep up into adulthood, even with people that did not have a problem in their younger days. It is truly a mystery why these blemishes occur in adults and the main cause for this is related to hormones.

9. Acne Infant: Newborns can fall victim to acne and is not that unusually rare. The hormones cause the sebaceous glands to overproduce oil and cause the glands to become blocked. A little inflammation and some whiteheads would be visible and will fade away within three to four months.

The best way to get rid of acne is to wash your hands and face regularly with a gentle cleanser. Also to break the habit of touching parts of your skin that is acne prone and the last tip is to drink water constantly; about eight glasses a day.

By Elise Johnson and Nathaniel Johnson

If you would like more information on how to get rid of acne visit instant acne remedy. Start living your life with confidence and you too can overcome unwanted acne and other skin conditions.

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How to Get Rid of Acne Overnight - Here is One Secret You Can't Afford to Miss at Any Possible Cost

Acne is caused due to hormonal imbalances or excess heat within the body. Acne causes a lot of issues for young people. For all those who are too conscious about it, it requires some face saving as well. For women, it is like a doomsday statement which makes them psychologically bogged down. Sometimes they also withdraw into a shell. Physiologically, acne can also be very painful. Let's take up three ways to get rid of acne overnight....

Applying toothpaste-We can apply toothpaste to the localized infection area. The paste has to remain there for 15-20 minutes at least. After the toothpaste has been there for the asked duration, it has to be removed. Next, we must wash the face and pat it dry. Further, we need to apply alcohol to the affected area. For this purpose, we have to take the Q-tip and immerse it into alcohol. This we can apply to the acne area; next, it's time to have a good night's sleep. The pimple will have vanished by the morning. Also, you must remember not to sleep on the acne's side.

Applying ice-pack- A skin color concealer can look to hide the pimple but it does not gut its existence. For this, the top homemade remedy is an ice pack. Applying an ice pack over a reddened area reduces the swelling. Sometimes, if you are lucky, it may even completely eliminate the pimple. But this may require application for two days.

Applying a home-made mixture- Another great idea is to mix half-teaspoon of camphor lotion with half-teaspoon of tomato juice and one-teaspoon of honey. The combination is deemed to be highly effective for acne of all kinds. The trio acts as a brilliant cleansing agent. This can also be ably used for exfoliation.

By Rahul Talwar

What you don't know yet- I know that what I am about to reveal to you can be almost impossible to believe. But it is 100% truth! Do you know what you can cure any sort of acne within 3 days? Seems impossible right? Well see for yourself follow this link- Click Here

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Start Preventing Acne From Ever Coming Back

Are you tired of spending all your hard earned money on all the "over the counter" acne treatments? Do you hate the fact that no matter what you do, you can't seem to get rid of acne for good? Believe it or not, but this is the same problem that most people have.

The first thing you must understand is why your acne keeps coming back. Remember that getting rid of acne is a business. There are a lot of companies that make a ton of money because of acne. The last thing they want is a product that will get rid of acne for good. So what they do is make a product that will temporarily get rid of your acne. That temporary fix is what keeps you coming back. Unfortunately you will be going back to them for every.

What you want to do is find out why you have acne. There are several things that will cause acne. Things like bacteria, clogging of pores, oily and dry skin are common factors of acne. There are a lot of companies that will make a product that helps your skin. By making your skin healthier, you will be able to prevent your acne from coming back.

There are also some home remedies you can do. Try changing some things in you life. Change the soaps you use. Some times they will dry out your skin or cause your skin to become oily. Stay away from to much greasy foods. Sometimes that grease will be why your pores are clogging. Either way, prevention is the only way you will get rid of acne once and for all.

By Joseph Horn

If you are ready to find some of the latest and easiest home remedies to Get Rid Of Acne then read on.

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How to Get Rid of Acne Almost Overnight - Here Are the Most Amazing Tricks You Must Know

If you have been struggling to get rid of your acne, you know the frustration of it and the way that it can affect everything about your life. Are you ready for a sure-fire way to get rid of acne overnight? We have just the right thing for you!

Following are four tips to help you get rid of acne overnight. Follow these easy steps and you will wake up to new skin!

(1) Apply ice directly to the affected area of skin. This is the top remedy for acne, especially if your acne causes your skin to swell. Not only will the ice eliminate swelling, it has also been known to get rid of the pimples as well, although you need to allow at least two days of icing the area in order to see this result.

(2) Apply toothpaste to the affected area. It might sound strange, but it works! Wash your face thoroughly with a gentle cleanser and pat dry. Then apply toothpaste to the acne areas and leave on for 20 minutes. You can then wash your face again and pat dry. Do this each evening right before you go to bed. You will be amazed when you wake up in the morning!

(3) Drink plenty of water. Because water is your body's natural method of cleansing, it is imperative that you drink enough water to keep it cleansed. You will not believe what a difference you will see in your skin just by drinking pure water! You need at least two liters (64 ounces) each day.

(4) Exfoliate your skin! One of the biggest factors that cause acne is that your skin is not getting properly cleaned. Using a gentle exfoliation will rub away the dead skin and impurities, revealing only fresh, revitalized skin. It is recommended to exfoliate each evening for one week and then reduce usage to two nights a week thereafter.

By Rahul Talwar

What you don't know yet- I know that what I am about to reveal to you can be almost impossible to believe. But it is 100% truth! Do you know what you can cure any sort of acne within 3 days? Seems impossible right? Well see for yourself follow this link Click Here

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Lose Pounds - 2 Simple and Cheap Ways That I Was Able to Lose Pounds, All 47 of Them

If you are like me, you've found that over the years you've started to put on more and more weight. Whether its due to inactivity, eating too much, laziness, stress, or anything else, it's probably a situation that you are not happy with. I myself started gaining the weight after I had my kids. I noticed that I was quite a bit heavier and I got tired a lot quicker that I remembered. I knew I needed to lose lbs.

I took a stab at all of the popular weight loss programs like Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers and several others. I even added exercise to my daily routine, but with the kids it was so hard to focus on that. Although anyone with small kids know, you get quite a bit of exercise trying to keep up with them.

Since everything I tried didn't work I pretty much accepted the situation. That was until I was watching Oprah one day. There was a discussion going on about this new superfood called Acai Berry that supposedly has all these wonderful health benefits. When they started talking about those specific benefits I realized that many of them dealt with issues I was having including a quick and natural way to lose lbs.

I tuned in the next day as well to see if there was going to be a followup on this superfood. There wasn't but they were talking about colon cleansing and the health benefits of that. This process also specifically offered people a quick way to lose weight. I felt inspiration at that point and came up with a plan of attack that would help me lose lbs and get healthy.

By Jamie L. Davis

To see how I was able to Lose Lbs you can check out my blog if you Click Here.

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Ultimate Weight Loss Plan

One should be aware of gimmicky weight loss plans, potions, and pills that might give you early results but the weight always returns. Over time, this yo-yo cycle of losing and regaining can actually slow your metabolism, making it even more difficult to lose weight.

To derive full benefit from an Ultimate Weight Loss Plan, simply follow these eight steps for a totally new you.

1) Set A Goal -The most important step in a weight loss program is to set a personal goal. Start by weighing yourself and writing it down. Next, determine how much weight you want to lose and then write it down on paper. Tape a copy of your written goal to your bathroom mirror and your refrigerator door. Every morning when you wake up, read your goal out loud. Read it again out loud every night before you go to bed. Keep a written copy of your weight goal in your wallet or purse and pull it out during the day and read it out loud. Weigh yourself each morning (after emptying your bowels) to track your progress.

2) Find Support - Weight loss takes time and effort, so do not be afraid to get some support. Announce your plans to friends and loved ones that you can count on to cheer you on and help to keep you from losing focus. For weight loss success, it also pays to partner up. People who embark on a diet program together are far more likely to stick to it, and studies show that they get better results than those who try to lose weight alone. Share your goal with your weight loss buddy. He or she can help to provide reassurance, moral support, and a little competition between you can even be fun. It is also important to give support to yourself. A temporary diet slip-up can happen to anyone, so do not beat yourself up. Just think back to your last weight loss success and say to yourself, I can do this, and I am moving forward.

3) Choose the Right Foods - Your weight loss program should include a diet plan which has been designed specifically to help you maintain your healthy weight. It should feature lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, seeds, and nuts, with smaller amounts of lean meats, fish, poultry, and dairy products low in saturated fat. Recommendations include avoiding processed foods, which usually have lower nutritional value and higher levels of salt, sugar, and dangerous trans-fats. Many reduced fat processed foods can also contain added sugars, carbohydrates, and chemical additives. Limit your intake of refined white foods such as white flour, white rice, and white sugar, and avoid food and beverages containing high fructose corn syrup, which has been proven to contribute to obesity even more than ordinary sugar.

4) Exercise - Physical activity is designed to boost your metabolism and burns away unwanted calories. Exercise is important for many reasons, it has a balancing effect on your blood sugar and insulin levels, it helps to decrease your body fat and cholesterol, and it increases your energy and stamina. When developing an exercise program, make sure to include the following three areas of activity: strength training (muscle helps to burn fat), cardiovascular exercise, and stretching for flexibility. At a minimum, you should aim to walk for at least 30 minutes every day. Even if you do not have a regular exercise routine, you can incorporate exercise as part of your lifestyle. Walk to the store, walk up that flight of stairs, or mow your own lawn. It is a proven fact that exercise has a beneficial effect on weight loss.

5) Drink Water - Many people are dehydrated, and do not even know it. This is why it is important for you to drink a minimum of eight glasses of pure water daily. Adequate water intake helps in the weight loss process, it rids your bloodstream of excess fat which can help reduce your cholesterol levels, and keeps you regular.

6) Take a Multivitamin Supplement -Take an advanced vitamin/mineral supplement rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients. Taken with food, a complete high-potency multivitamin helps increase your energy and supports your immune system. Additionally intake of the recommended potencies of key nutrients have been shown in studies to assist in weight control.

7) Get Adequate Sleep - This is essential for your success. The body rejuvenates and repairs itself while you are sleeping and if you are not sleeping well, you will not lose the weight you are trying to lose. For optimum sleep quality, go to bed at a regular time every night, in a cool, comfortable, dark, and noise-free bedroom, and try to avoid late-afternoon naps.

8) Do not skip meals and avoid late-night snack - Starting the day with a good breakfast provides the fuel your body needs to avoid the dips in blood sugar that can cause you to be ravenously hungry later in the day. Do not eat after your evening meal. Studies show that 40% of calories consumed are after 7 p.m., are retained and adds to our overweight problems, so the single step of eliminating them can really help you to reach your weight loss goal.

Follow the above steps of this Ultimate Weight Loss Plan and quickly reap the reward of losing pounds and inches to meet your desired weight loss goal. Your efforts would be well worth it.

By Vashtee Mungal

V. Mungal is an author and entrepreneur for Freelife International, a company involved in groundbreaking studies on Improved Health and Well Being. Get No Obligation Free Tips and News on Achieving Optimal Health and Financial Wellness at- Discover the Secrets to Weight Loss.

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What to Eat to Lose Weight - Foods For Fat Loss

If you had a car with no tires it's safe to say that you would not go very far. When it comes to weight loss then same thing applies. Rather than eating junk and exercising, find out what you need to eat to lose weight and combine that with regular exercise and you'll shed some serious pounds. Below is a list of a few foods that you can put in your diet and rocket your way to weight loss.

Real Food: Sometimes we forget what real food is. When you are eating foods that are processed, pumped full of hormones and packed full of preservatives no wonder everyone is overweight. If you can fill your diet with more real food you will be way ahead of the game. What is real food? Eggs are real food. Oreos? No not a real food. Chicken is a food. Spaghetti? Nope not even spaghetti. Ever seen a spaghetti patch around? Hopefully you get the point. Think of real natural occurring foods.

Make The Switch: This one tip will go a LONG way in helping you lose weight. If you can substitute almost all your food for the whole grain alternate it will do wonders for you health and weight. That means your bread, cereals, crackers, rice, pasta and anything else you can buy whole grain.

Nuts and Berries: If you want to know what to eat to lose weight, this is it! Strawberries; blueberries, raspberries and any other kind of berry and a whole host of almonds and walnuts are great for you and they make an excellent snack as opposed to candy and chips.

Water: Water really is an amazing thing and it should be, about 65% of your entire body is made up of water! The best thing about water when it comes to weight loss is that the only thing in it is water. Replacing things like soda, fruity drinks and coffee with water in your diet will increase your weight loss; flush out your system and get rid of all those toxins, keep you hydrated and it's good for you.

While this isn't a complex list of what to eat to lose weight, it is a few simple steps that you can use in order to speed up or just help your weight loss along. When starting any diet be sure to speak to a dietitian or a nutritionist beforehand.

By Philip Hixonn

Want to lose 30 pounds in 30 days but cant afford a personal trainer or nutritionist but still need step by step help? See before and after pictures and stories of how Phil and others did it at Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

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What is the Best Way to Lose Stomach Fat? - How to Get Rid of Tummy Flab

Targeting the stomach when trying to lose weight is a top priority for everybody but what is the best way to lose stomach fat? There are a lot of gadgets out there as well as diets that promise you the world. Low carb,; high carb, 5,000 sit-ups, the amazing abs machine that no one's heard of, it's all out there. However, if you really want to know the truth, keep reading. Below I will outline a few basics to answering the question, 'what is the best way to lose stomach fat?'

Stretching: Stretching actually has two benefits, not only does it elongate your muscles preventing them from shrinking up but studies show that people who stretch for a few minutes each day actually live longer than those who don't. Stretching also gets your blood circulation going.

Body Workouts: A good way to lose belly fat is to do whole body workouts a few times a week. Whether it is weightlifting or yoga whole body workouts will strengthen all your core muscles as well as help you lose body fat.

Water: Water is healthy, plain and simple. It cleans your system out and your body needs it, so drink up.

Don't Stress: There are many studies that link stress to belly fat. If you're in a stressful environment all the time, find a release. Jogging or going for walks are both great ways to get outdoors and away from the stress of work.

By following these simple tips or combining them into a regular healthy diet and exercise you can turn that stubborn pouch into a flat tummy in no time. If you're going to start a diet regimen of any type, if you can afford it, visit a nutritionist to help you lay out a meal plan and for general guidelines.

By Philip Hixonn

Want to lose 30 pounds in 30 days but cant afford a personal trainer or nutritionist but still need step by step help? See before and after pictures and stories of how Phil and others did it at Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

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Revealed - The Best Ways to Lose Your Love Handles and Get a Set of Beautifully Sculpted Abs

Isn't it about time you took some action and get a great looking six pack? This is the exact same thing I thought about a couple of years ago. I was tired of being the only one that didn't look good on the beach. Every year Summer would come and go and I would still look the same.

I've written down a few of the things you can do to get rid of those pesky love handles and start seeing the abs. I know these tips will help you just like they helped me.

Tip #1-

The first tip is to create an environment that will help you succeed. This means that you need to start getting rid of all your junk food. What's more important to you, junk food or looking fine? That's the question you have to ask yourself when you're tempted. The next step is to surround yourself with people that have similar goals. Remember, certain friend and family members may become jealous after you start seeing success.

Tip #2-

The next tip is to get your diet in order. Just like I mentioned earlier, it's time to get rid of your junk food. You'll have to halt your late night fast food binges. You'll have to start drinking water instead of un-healthy soda drinks. Instead eating cake for a sugar fix you'll have to eat a piece of fruit. This might seem difficult be remember what's most important to you.

Tip #3-

The last tip is to start burning calories. This means that you need to get active. You can do this a few ways. I personally hate going on the treadmill and staring at the wall. I would rather play basketball which burns the same amount of calories. This way I am burning calories and having a blast. You might want to look into hiking or bike riding which are also great activities. Remember that just a little each day will burn calories and help melt the fat around your belly.

By Tyson Schow

I've created a 6-Pack Program for anyone who would like to get see results in 21 days. By following this program you'll discover the exactly what you need to do to get motivated and start burning fat and losing weight quicker than you ever thought possible. You'll have a sexier, healthier, and even a more youthful body in the shortest amount of time possible. You can find this plan at

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Age Old Side Effect - Free Appetite Suppressant

Years ago a man came to earth, he faced many challenges from environment. Problems backup to use and modify their environment according to their needs. The awareness about what led to a treasure, which is currently known as knowledge. The knowledge of the man made more adaptable to their environment. Knowledge about the surroundings, as well as our own body has so far been classified many branches. Medicinal science is the knowledge we have about the treatment of diseases. Furcata medicinal science itself is in many other areas. The first was the use of herbal medicines, synthetic salts were used later for treatment. Regardless of other advances in the science of medicine the importance of the ancient herbal therapy is still high. Although the herbal therapy is a relatively slow process, its popularity is growing day by day.
Herbal medicines can treat almost all diseases. There are cases where a disease is relatively new, but the herbal treatments are very old. Obesity is a disease for which treatment is available in the form of old age Hoodia. Hoodia is the name of a succulent herb, which is in the Kalahari Desert of Africa. The people of the tribes of the Kalahari Desert are using this plant as an appetite suppressant for centuries. That suppress their appetite because of food shortages, while obese is essential for the suppression of appetite for weight loss.

Given this fact, Phytopharm developed Hoodia diet pills, capsules and health drinks plant Hoodia Gordonii (a Hoodia plant species). For the manufacture of Hoodia appetite, P-57 to suppress the appetite a constituent is extracted from the Hoodia plant. Phytopharm is licensed to grow Hoodia Hoodia Gordonii and anti-obesity medication for it. Currently, Phytopharm in collaboration with Unilever is manufacturing and marketing of this drug.

Effect of suppressing the appetite Hoodia is a natural and benign. The level of blood sugar remains normal, when there is enough food in the stomach. Each time, the level of blood sugar falls we urge for food. Hoodia maintains normal level of blood sugar, even without any food in the stomach. Normal levels of blood sugar is a natural process and a natural process can not be harmful. This is why Hoodia is free of any side effects.

Hoodia can be taken without a prescription. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using this medicine. People with body mass index below 30 should not use. Ladies pregnant, nursing mothers, ladies planning to conceive a child soon, and children should also refrain themselves from Hoodia. Patients generated fat cardiovascular diseases are not allowed to use.

Diet pill, capsule or health drinks in all its forms to use Hoodia can suppress appetite for 24 hours with a single time use in a day. A single pill of Hoodia before breakfast daily dose of this medicine. Hoodia overdose is strictly prohibited.

By Mark Kopolo

for more info visit at

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How to Lose 20 to 40 Pounds - Your Why, The Missing Key For Weight Loss Success

What is your WHY?

Now, this may come as a surprise, but I don't recommend using a weight loss goal to motivate yourself. Goals can be helpful but often they are dry, boring, lifeless and not really motivating. As a result, after setting a weight loss goal it is easy to lose motivation for pursuing it, and you can become side-tracked in your weight loss effort. This is why it is important to have a compelling WHY. Your WHY is your reason for enthusiastically recommitting to living a healthier and more slender life each day. Your why provides the motivation, drive, energy and passion for doing whatever you need to do to achieve your WHY and make it a reality. By identifying and crafting a meaningful WHY for yourself, your WHY can serve as an inspiration to help you choose the daily activities which best support you living your healthiest and most fulfilling life.

To help clarify your WHY, it is helpful to identify why you really want to lose weight and live a healthier life. If nothing comes to you right away, use the rocking chair visualization. Imagine that you are sitting in a rocking chair in your living room when you are 105 years old and you have not lost the weight. How will you feel? What will you regret? What opportunities will you have missed?

Crafting your WHY

Let's look at crafting your WHY. If you would like to lose 20 pounds, your WHY might be, "I want to lose 20 pounds so that I feel happier when I look at myself in the mirror and I have more energy to keep up with my grandkids." Or "I want to lose 40 pounds so that when I go to my high school reunion I can wear that attractive dress I saw in the JCPenny Catalog."

Making your Weight Loss WHY Real

Once you have your weight loss WHY, make it a part of your life on a daily basis. Making your WHY rich and vivid in your imagination will keep you excited about sticking to the activities you chose on a daily basis to reach your WHY. Visualize yourself everyday doing what you will be doing once you accomplish your weight loss WHY. Enrich your visualization with details. Ask yourself questions such as, "What kinds of activities am I doing?" "With whom am I spending time?" To inspire yourself, cut out pictures of the outfit you want to buy, or the view you will see when you are healthier and enjoying more outdoor activities. Writing your WHY in the form of an affirmation can be helpful. You might write, "I am enjoying being at my ideal weight and having so much energy." Next, take these pictures and affirmations and post them where you will see them on a daily basis. Putting them in your bathroom, on the ceiling above your bed, and in your car will keep your WHY fresh and present in your consciousness.

With a powerful WHY you will be successfully on your way to weight loss success.

By Deborah Barnett

Multiply your success rate with a fun, easy, no diet, online weight loss video

Deborah Barnett, PhD is a psychologist and EFT practitioner who developed the Positive Aspects EFT Technique which has its foundations in EFT and Thought Field Therapy. Her video, Easy Weight Loss with Positive Aspects EFT, makes it easy to utilize EFT in the comfort of your own home. Dr. Barnett offers a free 20 minute consultation to discuss your specific needs. To contact Dr. Barnett visit

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Fast Fat Burning Ideas That Work!

Everyone wants that fast fat burning treatment, the one where you don't have to do anything, and instantly, you lose 50 pounds (wouldn't it be nice! Eat what you want, and drop it in your sleep?). Most people go for the quickest, easiest way, when they need to lose weight. So they pick up a magazine, read an article (hold on! Don't run off, this article is worth it!), or buy those great weight loss pills that are advertised on TV. You know the ones that say "all you have to do is rub this stuff all over you, sleep in cellophane, and it the morning, these last 20 years will just be a bad nightmare.

If that is your attitude and your concept of fast fat burning, then you need to keep on dreaming, because this type of product never works. We all wish it would, but it just doesn't.

These advertisers do tell you one truth. Weight loss is simple, and that's because it is! To lose weight effectively, all you have to do is, burn more calories than what you take in. This means you have to do a few things.

You have to count the calories you eat in a normal day. That's right! Count what you take in now, and write it down somewhere. Add it all up at the end of the day, and this is the total amount of calories you take in a day.

The next day eat 500 calories less than what you normally did. Do the same for the rest of the week.

The next week start some sort of cardio workout which will burn even more calories. You can do any number of things. You can walk, jog, swim, go ride a bike, etc. You just need to do it for about 30 minutes a day, for three to five days. Come on, anyone can do this!

Weigh yourself after a week and you should see a difference. Ok, so you aren't going to lose 20 pounds, but you should see a one, to two pound drop, and it wasn't even difficult. All you have to do is keep it up, and you will get that fast fat burning you need. Plus you will also more than likely keep that fat off.

By Renata Nyleve

Renata Nyleve runs the Best Fat Burning Method website, where you will find her last and just released product "Turbo Fat Burner" the subliminal and easiest way to burn fat, You do nothing but listening in order to lose weight the fast and easy way. All of this at a very reasonable price.

Visit for further information and buying options.

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