Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Coping With Breast Cancer - Ten Survival Tips

In Chinese, a crisis is expressed in two characters: danger and hidden opportunity. As a breast-cancer survivor, I have faced many challenges, but God has revealed to me opportunities that translate into incredible blessings. I share some suggestions below for those struggling with this disease.

1. Ponder scriptures

Let biblical passages like Psalm 119:105 (likening the Word of God to a lamp) illuminate pathways for healing and reveal any encroaching thorny thickets. Use verses as your penlight to avoid stumbling around in the darkness.

When I joined the ranks of breast-cancer survivors, I clung to Psalm 23 for solace. During chemotherapy I reflected on how God was comforting me as I walked through my own valley of the shadow. Review the list of common emotions in the front or back of your Bible to locate verses that speak to particular sentiments, such as worry, weariness, or fear. Gideon Bibles found in many hotels contain these sections to ease the troubled traveler's mind.

2. Pray unceasingly

One of my childhood treasures was a book entitled "The Lord's Prayer." Each page was inscribed with a verse from Jesus' model prayer in Matt. 6:9-13. Bright illustrations of kneeling children with uplifted hands accompanied each verse. I was captivated by the images. Although as a child I was not yet ready for Jesus' heartrending prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, this picture book was early preparation for a more mature prayer life.

Prayer is a powerful tool. Like African prayer warriors thriving in the midst of deprivation, during my treatment I lifted prayers to the only One who could take away troubling emotions and side-effects. Lying in bed, I visualized my pallet being lifted to God through the roof in a reverse move from the paralytic brought from the roof to Jesus for healing in Mark 2. I strongly felt God's healing warmth as I prayer-walked upward to meet Him.

3. Treasure fellowship

As a cancer survivor I most assuredly relished the cards, hugs, prayers, and empathy of friends. The blessings of others that dispelled my pouts through bouts of cancer were crucial to healing. Hebrews 10: 24-25 tells us to encourage one another and meet regularly for worship and fellowship. The latter can include simply listening, sharing a meal, or offering a Bible study to encourage camaraderie and spiritual enrichment. My husband and I were blessed by the insights shared at our home Bible study during my cancer treatment.

4. Make church attendance a priority

Ideally, the breast cancer survivor should attend a local church, for reasons extending beyond congregational worship. Shortly after I was diagnosed with cancer, members of a former church we attended rallied around me in prayer for healing. Their love transcended church membership, and coalesced with that of members of our new church. These compassionate individuals provided needed meals and child care as well as spiritual support, something I would have missed had I not attended church.

If your breast cancer has left you home-bound or residing in a facility, you can find other options to connect with a church. Ideas include listening to a radio station offering Bible studies and uplifting choir or praise music, watching a Christian worship service on TV, or enjoying sermons from a visiting pastor.

5. Obtain Biblical counseling

Counseling from a biblical perspective can address many issues with which breast cancer survivors struggle, including guilt, anger, and non-forgiveness. I sought counseling from a local church and a crisis pregnancy center for issues arising from my cancer diagnoses. If these resources are not available, on-line tools are at the disposal of the computer literate. Some people prefer the anonymity of e-mail counseling. Focus on the Family (at (800) A-FAMILY) provides referrals for telephonic counseling sessions.

Financial counseling may be available through a local church, the American Cancer Society, or resources written by Christian financial experts such as Larry Burkett. I learned to organize my bills and health information into labeled file folders, and used my insurance company's website to access histories of appointments and payment records.

6. Recognize life seasons

The time spanning when I was first diagnosed to the end of treatment was only for a season. Recognize with Solomon in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 the times for every activity under heaven. Of all the seasons listed in this passage, "a time to laugh" appeals to me most. Many studies show that humor helps relieve stress, combat depression, and extend quality of life.

My three sons, ranging in age from 3 to 11 when I was diagnosed, reacted to my cancer by watching how I responded. Comic relief went a long way to dispel the tension they felt. I thoroughly enjoy watching these boys laugh at black-and-white slapstick comedians like Abbott and Costello and at modern-day comedies like "Chicken Run."

"A time to dance" is another fun season. Try some salsa dancing, like a survivor I overheard in the chemotherapy infusion room. It will lift your spirits as well as your feet, control weight, and rev your circulation to the max!

7. Witness using personal testimony

While Christians don't always recover from diseases even though prayed for, they can still use their adversity to glorify God in their lives. Jesus modeled that approach when he delayed coming to Lazarus in Bethany until Lazarus died. The story is found in John 11:3-6. When Jesus heard of Lazarus' sickness, he assured his followers that the outcome would be God-glorifying. Often, the more severe the suffering, the more wondrously God works through the power of personal testimony.

On the Titanic, some Christians gladly relinquished their places on life rafts to the unsaved, witnessing powerfully to their faith in eternal life. We've also heard of Christians in the burning World Trade Center on 9-11-01 witnessing in their last moments to non-believers in the midst of unimaginable terror. 2 Timothy 1:8 admonishes us not to be ashamed to testify about our Lord. It challenges me to go forth boldly, knowing that none can take away my personal story.

My husband's emails on God's mercy throughout my cancer ordeal were sent to all who were curious how I was bearing up. God is faithful in fanning the global fire of the gospel through such testimony.

8. Resolve to understand God

Some disasters shake us to our very core. When I felt myself helplessly mired in the muck of cancer, I recalled Jesus' parable in Matt. 7:24-27. He reassured us that we are set on solid ground, not in sinking sand. As I put our Savior's words into practice, God pulled me up and out of cancer-induced depression and into an indescribable joy. He is the Rock upon which I set my hope.

In the midst of the unexpected, God is there. For example, on September 11, 2001 otherwise annoying delays on their way to work saved some employees' lives. Now, when I am stuck in traffic and an ambulance rushes by on its way to the accident ahead, I bow my head in prayer for the ones affected by such tragedy, rather than wallowing in self-pity over the minor nuisance of a traffic jam. We should consciously determine to understand how God is using such seeming disturbances and thank him for them.

9. Find volunteering opportunities

Almost two millennia ago, Paul taught that all the commandments are summed up in loving your neighbor as yourself (Romans 13:9). Breast-cancer survivors are greatly appreciative of all the sacrifices of others from which they have benefited. Below are some ideas for showing love to fellow cancer strugglers.

If there is no breast-cancer support group in your area, start one. The locale might be your own church for women who are most comfortable in a Christian environment. Or you can volunteer for a local American Cancer Society branch, helping women in myriad ways.

Counseling others in person or by phone or email is another viable possibility. Open any Bible and appropriate passages will jump out to address the situation at hand. Courses on training counselors might be offered at a local church or on-line.

In another vein, you can ask your oncologist if you are eligible to participate in a clinical trial. Not only would you receive state-of-the-art treatment, but you would be personally contributing to advancement of breast cancer research. In this way, the survivor can directly make a difference in moving the whole planet Earth to a "cancer-free zone."

10. Leave behind stereotypes

Stereotyping often leads to judgment. People who appear to have their lives together may not. Jesus taught us in Luke 6:37 not to judge, so that we would not be judged. The breast cancer survivor should not presume that a person who avoids her or doesn't laugh at her jokes cares nothing for her. Some people limited their discussions with me because they didn't trust how they would handle difficult emotions. Certain nurses find it hard to identify with patients' humor because they witness daily so much devastation in the lives of others.

From a different perspective, those dealing with cancer survivors should not assume that such survivors can perform all tasks, regardless of their outward appearance. Because of lymphedema that developed in my arm after lymph-node removal and radiation, I do not lift or carry heavy items. I make others aware of this limitation, since it is not obvious. Conversely, one should not place artificial limits on cancer survivors. For example, during cancer treatments I kept up my regular aerobic exercise. I continued my work as an attorney in a high-intensity environment, although I did revert to a part-time schedule for a season. I painted landscapes. While this amazed some people, it is not uncommon for cancer survivors to adhere to old routines for a semblance of normalcy. The bottom line is to endeavor to delve into what makes a person tick before reaching conclusions.

These are some ways I found to fend off the breast-cancer blues. I pray that those facing the crisis of breast cancer will find hidden opportunities and blessings, and hear the Savior say at the pearly gates of heaven, "Well done, good and faithful servant!"

Copyright @ 2008 Jan Hasak All Rights Reserved

By Jan Hasak

The author has written a book on her cancer experience entitled "Mourning Has Broken - Reflections on Surviving Cancer," to be published later in 2008 by Xulon Press. To learn more, please visit her website at

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Acne Scar - Treatment Options - Tips

Our skin is one of the vital parts of the body. It requires proper treatment and care for it to remain good looking and flawless. If you are a person that is so conscious on how you people see you, then, you might be one that dreaded the appearance of acne, much more acne scars. Acne is a skin problem that could bring down a person's self esteem. This happen especially to those who are just starting to mingle with people or to those who use their beauty as a source of income. That's why it is a must to treat acne properly to prevent it from producing acne scars that are visible in the skin and last forever.

IMPROPER WAY OF TREATING ACNE. Acne treated improperly could result to appearance of acne scars. One example of this is by popping acne. It is undeniable that people hate how they look like when they have acne. The natural tendency is to pop those little reddish bumps on the face and wish that you could get over with them. But mind you, when you do this, you will just allow the acne to scar. In addition to this, acne scars have a greater probability to trap bacteria that could infect that particular area of the skin.

Our body has sebaceous glands that secrete sebum to lubricate the skin. However, there are certain times that this gland overreact or experience abnormality and could secrete sebum more than what it intended. And when this excess sebum is mixed with dead skin cells, it would clog the pores and the result, as what people name it, is acne. Manual manipulation (ie. Popping) of this acne could trap bacteria and will only make the situation worse and cause acne scars.

SCAR IMPOSTORS. If acne scars last forever, this impostor acne scars do not. Usually, they would just appear at one time and disappear after. One of them is known as macules. Macules are small red spots that appear after acne that resembles acne scars. They usually go away after six months. Another is the discoloration of the skin after the removal of acne. It could also be mistaken as acne scars sometimes.

Acne scars, a real one or just an impostor, is still not good to look at, so it is best to take care of the skin before acne appears. And if acne is already present, then treat it carefully, do not pop it. Ask a dermatologist of ways to treat acne that would not result to acne scars.

By Scott Nichols

CLICK HERE: Acne Scar Also on Our Popular Acne Remedies Site: Acne Scar Removal A Site Full Of FREE Acne Treatments & Remedies Best Acne Treatments

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Eat Chocolate And Lose Weight?

It doesn't seem possible that the words chocolate and weight loss could be used in the same sentence. However, with a new product, it just might be possible.

We have recently been hearing about the benefits of dark chocolate and what positive effects it can have on your body. While dark chocolate is healthy, the majority of the chocolate sold in stores today is very unhealthy. The reason for this is that these chocolates are chocked full of sugars, fats, and preservatives. None of which have any positive benefits to your overall health and wellness.

Traditional chocolate also losses much of its nutritional benefits as it is heated during manufacturing. This causes an 80% loss in antioxidant levels.

There is a company that has come out with an alternative to these unhealthy, poorly manufactured dark chocolates. Xocai is a division of MXI Corp. and is based in Reno, Nevada. They have brought to market an all natural, pure form of cacao that maintains its nutritional value through the manufacturing process. Rather than heat the cacao, it is cold pressed. This allows the dark chocolate to maintain its healthful properties.

The company Xocai has brought to market 6 products. They are the X Powerhouse Cookie, X Power Squares, Omega Bars, Activ, a Protein Bar, and Nuggets. These products are made with unprocessed cacao powder and combined with the acai berry and blueberry for added taste. The products are full of healthful benefits such as flavonoids, antioxidants, high ORAC value, high fiber, and low sugars. They are safe for diabetics as well as vegetarians and vegans.

So what if anything does this have to do with weight loss? Well, a recent study from Japan found that consuming cocoa may combat weight gain. There are several mechanisms that are involved in this, including gene regulation and cocoa's potential mood elevating chemicals. These helpful chemicals may help people feel more energetic and want to exercise more, thus aiding in weight loss.

Not only might there be a biochemical response, but you are eating a more organic, healthy product. Just think, if you grab a piece of healthy dark chocolate versus a Snickers bar, what do you think that the benefits will be? The healthy dark chocolate is low in sugar, high in fiber, antioxidants, ORAC value, flavonoids, and low in fat and calories. A vast contrast from the Snickers bar.

Fortunately, you don't have to sacrifice taste either. The healthy dark chocolate products marketed by Xocai are reported to be very tasty. There are many positive testimonials from product users that make taking a look at the products worth your time.

By Brian McCoy

To learn more about Losing Weight, visit Brian's Healthy Chocolate website.

Author: Brian McCoy is a six figure earner and one of the top income earners in the home business industry. Brian is passionate about sharing health and wellness with others. He also devotes the time, energy, and effort into his team and works with them to ensure their success.

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3 Steps To Lose Back Fat Forever

To lose back fat quickly and permanently you have to get serious! It's no use jumping onto another 'quick-fix' diet regime - losing the fat and then piling it all back on (and more) as soon as you revert back to your old habits. It is time to change your lifestyle, your habits and your body shape forever. If I can, so can you and it's a lot less difficult than you think. Let me show you 3 of the most important steps to lose back fat fast.

1. Change your nutritional habits.

To lose back fat all three of these steps are vital, but if there is one which I would cite as most important it would be this first one. Eating the right foods more often than not will result in dramatic fat-loss in a relatively short period of time. Western diets tend to be full of sugar and processed foods, these need to be cut out (or at least cut back) right away. Ditch the sodas, cakes and sweets and be wary of consuming too many 'bad' carbohydrates such as white bread, breakfast cereals and French fries. Look to avoid fried foods altogether and instead use healthier methods of cooking such as baking.

Increase your fibre intake slowly but surely, this will help avoid excess gas. Fibre is the indigestible part of fruits, vegetables and whole-grain foods which acts as a sponge when it combines with water during digestion. It cleanses your intestines and helps food move through the body more quickly and with greater efficiency. Add more protein to your diet, protein helps build and maintain and repair muscle tissue which is essential for quality fat burning as it helps increase the body's metabolism by burning more calories and therefore you will lose back fat faster.

2. Start on a regular exercise routine.

Beginning a program of regular exercise will help boost metabolism and increase your energy levels. You will feel healthier and burn more fat. I definitely recommend incorporating weight lifting routines into your weekly exercise workouts. Muscle burns more calories than fat and for every 1lb of lean muscle mass your body has you burn as much as 50 calories per day just to maintain it, thus creating a fat burning metabolism which helps you lose back fat quicker and easier.

Ditch the long, slow cardio workouts and replace them with highly intense interval type training. This promotes muscle retention and helps your body burn fat even after exercise. Also, don't over-do it! The is no point in working out for hours and hours each day, your body will only get tired and use muscle to fuel your workouts. An hour 3-4 days per week is fine, this gives your body a chance to recover and grow. Rest is as important as exercise if you want to lose back fat!

3. Reduce your stress levels.

This final step is so often overlooked but is nonetheless essential. To lose back fat stress levels must be reduced. Persons with elevated stress levels often produce hormones such as cortisol which can make fat-loss very difficult. If you can combine a quality diet with regular exercise and an optimal amount of sleep then you will see a huge reduction in stress levels and a massive boost in energy. Lowering stress levels will help you achieve any weight-loss goals you may have much quicker and also reduce the risk of developing serious health problems.

If you are serious in your quest to lose back fat I urge you to discover The 7 Secrets To Fat-loss by clicking the link provided. The site lays bare the hidden secrets to successful fat-loss which if implemented, will allow you to attain the body you always dreamed of and become the envy of your friends!

If you are looking for more in-depth knowledge on specific exercises for fat-loss I recommend visiting Fat Burning Exercises which discusses the most optimal fitness exercises to burn fat faster than ever before.

By Daniel Depp

Daniel Depp is a health and fitness fanatic. He is a former professional athlete who, since retiring found himself over-eating and piling on weight. He decided that enough was enough and embarked on a mission to gather as much infomation about weight-loss and fitness as he possibly could and then impliment these in his own life. He has since lost over 20 pounds of body fat, lives a healthy and vibrant lifestyle and is committed to helping others do the same. Visit his website at Secrets To Fat-loss to learn the '7 Forbidden Secrets' to ultimate fat-loss which will help you achieve the body you always wanted, permanently.

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15 Fat Burning Foods - Eat And Lose?

Are there 15 fat burning foods that you can eat and lose weight? Yes and no. There are foods that you can eat that help you feel satisfied, full and content. Feel that way and you will usually eat less and maintain or lose weight. That can be a good thing. I'll share 15 food ideas for losing fat, but first a little background.

Two hormones produced in the pancreas, glucagon and insulin, determine how your body uses carbohydrates. The ratio of these two hormones is what really is critical for sugar use.

Glucagon directs the liver to release sugars, which raises the blood sugar available for use by the brain and the rest of the body. Glucagon also signals the cells to release fat for energy and to release protein for building. Insulin is responsible for putting nutrients into cells. Thus insulin regulates the transfer of fats, proteins and sugars from the bloodstream to the cells. If more sugar is available than is required, insulin signals the liver to produce fat.

Glucagon is released when proteins are eaten. Insulin is released when carbohydrates are eaten. Neither is released when you eat fats or nonstarchy foods. If carbohydrates are eaten alone, the insulin to glucagon ratio is too high. If protein is eaten alone, the insulin to glucagon ratio is too low. Eat a balanced meal with protein, fats, nonstarchy vegetables and carbohydrates and you can have a balanced insulin to glucagon ratio which can burn fat and build muscle.

Eating a balanced meal will not lead to fat production, it could even lead to fat loss. Also a balanced meal will not lead to muscle loss, it could even lead to muscle gain.

Following are 15 fat burning foods ideas. With the background in the first paragraphs, you can see that just eating a few selected foods will not magically cause weight loss. However, making some fairly simple changes in the way you eat could finally help you to lose weight and keep it off.

  • 1. Coconut oil - the fats in coconut oil are not usually stored as fat.

  • 2. Salmon - eat protein and fats with carbohydrates for a balanced insulin to glucagon ration.

  • 3. Whole grain breads - sugars released more slowly than processed grains, so less insulin response.

  • 4. Asparagus - a nonstarchy vegetable even helpful with cheese sauce.

  • 5. Cabbage - use it many different ways especially helpful in soup as a filler.

  • 6. Kale - high in calcium plus easy to grow yourself.

  • 7. Chicken - balance a meal with chicken on a salad.

  • 8. Garlic - use it however you can.

  • 9. Green beans - fills you up but nonstarchy so no effect on insulin to glucagon ratio.

  • 10. Cod liver oil - an important supplement for Vitamins A and D.

  • 11. Bitters - like Swedish Bitters, often helpful for digesting fats.

  • 12. Bell peppers - another sweet tasting nonstarchy vegetable useful in several ways.

  • 13. Summer squash - especially good with light cheese sauces.

  • 14. Cheese - in limited amounts, preferably fresh, as the fats in aged cheese are damaged.

  • 15. Eggs - contains proteins plus fats to satisfy hunger and combine well with carbohydrates.

There are many more than 15 fat burning foods if you realize the real keys to healthy eating and weight loss. Include any and all nonstarchy vegetables as part of your eating plan.

For more fat loss ideas along these lines, read any of Dr. Diana Schwarzbein's books or any of Dr. Mary Enig's books.

By Al Bullington

Ready to finally lose weight and keep it off? Visit our site for healthy weight loss ideas.

We invite you to visit and get fit with a long-term plan.

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Safe Way to Lose Extra Weight - Speed Up Your Metabolism

The metabolic rate can be referred to the amount of energy that the body requires. In other words, metabolic rate indicates how fast carbohydrates are burned. Those people who are not physically active, have a low metabolic rate. Some of the ways to speed up your metabolism are as follows:

1)Become an active person:

Get involved with exercise such as aerobic and resistance training. If you get active, you will then increase the amount of muscle that you have, which will in turn speed up your metabolism. You must also be active in your daily lifestyle too.

2)Eat in portions:

You must develop the habit of eating little and often. Yes, you must eat often but not more. Instead of eating one or two large meals, by the traditional way, you can eat small meals throughout the day. This method helps to keep your metabolism rate ticking.

3)Consume protein based foods:

About 25 percent of calories which lie in protein rich meal can be used to burn off. See that your protein rich food consists of low -fat protein foods such as lean meat, skinless chicken and you can also have low-fat dairy products.

4)Consume green tea:

Your daily cup of green tea will speed up the metabolism rate. Green tea contains antioxidants.

5)Determine the required calories:

Find out the ideal amount of calories that you will need to consume on a daily basis. You can multiply your body weight by the number 11. You can use number 12, if your physical activity level is above average. The result figure got is the number in calories. Your food should consist of the amount of calories based on the above mentioned calories. Follow this diet for seven days. You can extend the days to two weeks too. Very soon you will see the actual result. You will start losing weight in the right manner and that too with your muscle intact.

By Joey River

Metabolism is important to lose extra weight Find more information about natural weight loss here.

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Losing Weight By Drinking Water

It's true; you can lose weight just by drinking water. And to think of all that money I've spent on commercial diet-beverages with chemicals added to them in order to make the other chemicals taste better - when I could've had a glass of water... As obvious as it may seem that drinking water is better than drinking sodas, the truth is so much greater. Water is practically a miracle weight-loss drug - for more reasons than you can imagine.

For starters, you are made mostly of water; keeping yourself replenished improves your overall health - a part of which is maintaining healthy weight and metabolism. Drinking water allows your cells to get rid of waste in the "old water," much like changing the oil in a car - replacing the old, dirty oil with fresh, clean oil. Just like a car, you run a lot better when you're "fresh and clean." Also, as the water flushes old toxins and waste debris from your cells - including fat deposits - it cleans your kidneys and helps your body function more efficiently. Water also hydrates, flushes, stimulates, and improves the function of the digestive system, as well -- speeding digestion and the removal of waste before your body converts the undigested food into fat for storage somewhere on your body.

The average person should drink about one-half their body weight - in ounces - of water each day. For example, if you weigh 200-pounds, you would drink 100-ounces of water - about 3-liters. That might sound like a lot of water, but for many people, if they aren't drinking, they're eating. In fact, most of the times people eat, they are eating because they misinterpreted a "thirst signal" telling them they need water. You need much more water than food; but most people eat much more food than water. The average American is dehydrated and overweight. This isn't "bad;" but it is the result of thinking and behaviors we can change if we want a different result. But we have to do this for ourselves; no one else can do it for us.

When you are drinking enough water, you simply don't get hungry as often. Besides the fact that most of the times you think you're hungry, you're really thirsty, having water in your stomach sends a signal that you are "full." You won't want to eat with a stomach full of water. As you become hydrated, you'll notice yourself eating less, losing weight, feeling better, healthier, and more flexible, and having more energy and vitality. As you find yourself with more energy and flexibility (hydrated cells are flexible cells...), you will find yourself wanting to become more active - adding to your overall health and fitness.

It should be obvious that, if you drink water when you're thirsty - instead of a glass full of liquid sugar and chemicals - you will quench your thirst, replenish your cells, and clean your body. Quenching your body's thirst should be a life-enhancing experience, not one that makes you feel "heavy" and "polluted." The more water you drink, the less sodas, etc, you'll be able to drink; and, the less you drink beverages with sugars and chemicals in them, the less appeal they have. After drinking only water for a short while, you will be able to feel the chemical effects of the other beverages you consume - the buzzing of the caffeine, or the surge and drop of sugar, the acids burning away at you, etc... It simply feels better to drink water. And, with no side-effects, it's one of the best weight-loss drugs on the market.

By Pete Koerner

Pete Koerner, author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to create the life of your dreams.

*To download our FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to: (It only takes about 30-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears and limiting beliefs!)

**Also, for a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit:

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Creating Good Habits - 21 Day Habits

Experts say that it takes 21 days to create a habit. I do not even know if this is true but the one thing that I do know is that if you do something, anything for 21 days it becomes ingrained inside you.

Let's take that idea and run with it here shall we? Today we are as we are, if I decide that I am going to become more positive (this would make my wife and coworkers crazy) then I would think in my head as much as I could all day everyday about my successes in the past and the things that are going well. This would change me from being pretty positive to excited as I would feel that there is nothing that I can not do.

At the same time if someone wanted to become healthy and they started to jog everyday as a runner would they would be sore the second day, sore the third day, stronger the fourth day, and very powerful by the fifth day. The habit is being formed, by the 21st day this person would be areal runner putting in mile after mile a week. Often runners have trouble taking days off even when they know they have to because that cadence of exercise reminds them of who they are, the habit has already been formed.

If you wanted to lose weight this 21 days to a habit is even a shorter time but it works the same way. If you decide to eat only fruit instead of candy then you struggle for about three days and then it is over and three weeks later you have some chocolate and it starts burning in your stomach and the sugar rush gives you a headache, the habit was formed already.

Years ago when I quit smoking I just imagined myself as a non smoker and then I just quit, I had been unsuccessful at cutting back so I decided that cold turkey was my best chance. After a couple of days of struggles I was OK and I continued my working out then one day weeks later I realized that the habit was now that I looked at myself as being in good shape and that I was flushing those bad toxins of smoking, I had turned the corner.

By Bill Nadraszky

For more information on picking a diet and workout plan for yourself you can visit my six pack abs review or my Turbulence Training review.

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Time to Lose the Fat

Sooner or later, we have to face facts. As our bodies age, for most of us, that means more work and thought to keep in shape. Without that extra time and effort, the fat grows, parts begin to sag and what we could get away with twenty, even ten years ago, is no more. The fat increases and the longer we leave the harder it is to shift. Start today with these tips.

Fat Loss and Exercise

Exercise has to be one of the most important elements to introduce into your life. With exercise as your base, you can launch any fat loss program you decide upon, confident that your goal of fat loss will be reached.

What exercise does is release endorphins. These are the chemicals that gives us the feeling of all round well being and a natural high. Exercise also brings a natural increase in your energy levels; natural high, natural increase in energy levels equals a fantastic platform on which to launch and succeed with any fat loss program.

Fat Loss Programs

What you must do before you embark on any exercise program, is to find out as much about the plan as you possibly can. If you can find first hand testimonials great, if you can find second hand testimonial, goods. But what you should also investigate is any negative reports, testimonials and see if there is enough for you not to invest your time and money.

Classically, some diets will tell you to reduce the amount of meals you eat to lose fat. The opposite is true. Little and often is the way to keep your metabolism working at optimum level, which is what you need to burn fat.

Fat Loss Motivation

This for me is key. If you don't know what you're doing and or why you are doing it, then you will struggle and perhaps even fail. It is very important that you set yourself a realistic goal of weight loss and plot the stages from A, your start, to Z your goal. Only then can you see what you have to do and how to do it. What this written down plan will also do is help you get back on track when you feel lost.

Desire and action also go hand in hand with motivation. If you have no desire, you will not formulate a plan for your victory. If you have no action, you may formulate a plan, but you will not execute that plan.

By Jules Jordon

If you are over weight and looking for a way to lose fat, then today should be that day that you start looking around for a plan that suits you. If you want to see how I have approached my own fat loss and the plans I am outlining for myself then visit Crazy Weight Loss.

Watch as I share my experience with Fat Loss 4 Idiots. The fat loss program that I have recently begun and from which I am achieving fantastic results.

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Why Diets Fail - Information From the Author of "Diet Failure-The Naked Truth"

KEVIN: So, let's start talking a little about what you do. I said weight loss in the introduction. You also are an ADD and ADHD expert as well. So, let's talk a little bit about what you do, how you got into this, and then we'll move forward from there.

PHOENIX: OK. Well, as you said, my area of expertise kind of goes across the board because primarily, the area that I wanted to research was neurochemistry.

KEVIN: A-ha.

PHOENIX: And neurochemistry is the study of brain chemicals. My initial goal was to really find out why so many diets fail, pretty much the rate is ... pretty alarming and about ninety-eight percent of all diet fails.

KEVIN: It's incredible, isn't it?

PHOENIX: Yeah. And the only thing I have to look around to see that, a rate of obesity and of course, the type 2 and ... But that being said, the brain chemical that I discovered that controls the two key reasons that diet fails, also as the master communicator of all the brain chemicals then, when that brain chemical becomes depleted, this is why we have so many side effects or health conditions because of it. So not only is it tied into why diets fail but it also is a direct link to the so-called ADD, ADHD.

KEVIN: Got you. So, you're saying that one of the main causes of ADHD is because of the body chemistry?

PHOENIX: Absolutely. The brain chemical that I put my focus on is serotonin. As most people know, serotonin, Kevin, has a relation to depression, but not, again it's the key brain chemical, the key master communicator of all the brain chemicals. When that brain chemical becomes depleted, which is why we have all these side effects and they can be anything from carbohydrate cravings, binging or simply eating more than our body needs, from rage, depression, insomnia, PMS, so-called ADD, the inability to stay focused and many, many other health conditions. So, to understand that the brain chemical, when it's depleted, and unfortunately it's depleted by everything in life, that that ADD, ADHD or adult ADD, whatever title you want to give it to is simply due to low serotonin.

KEVIN: A-ha. And let's talk a little bit about how that works, how does serotonin form, I mean, how does it get in your body, you know?

PHOENIX: Excellent question. Excellent. Serotonin, first of all, again, is a brain chemical. It's not something you can take. It is something that is within the body and found in the brain and in the different areas in the body, primarily in the brain and the stomach.

KEVIN: A-ha.

PHOENIX: There of course are pharmaceutical drugs out there who, you know, Prozac, Zoloft, things like that, that will help elevate it. However, it's a pharmaceutical drug which will always come with side effects. And the problem is, which is an interesting and unfortunate side effect, is when people take those pharmaceutical drugs to elevate the serotonin. The problem is that with every pharmaceutical drug that you put in your body will deplete this brain chemical. So, which is why you see on the antidepressant, the drug, can in fact, increase depression and suicide and that's the reason.

KEVIN: Really? OK.

PHOENIX: Yeah, absolutely. It's depleting the same brain chemical it's designed to elevate. And so, to understand that all of the things that might deplete this brain chemical, stress, who doesn't have stress, the lack of quality sleep, pharmaceutical drugs, over-the-counter meds, high sugar, high GI diet, high glycemic index carbohydrates, lack of exercise, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, you name it, it depletes it.

KEVIN: Right.

PHOENIX: So, we basically live in a society, Kevin, that we are surrounded by everything that will deplete this brain chemical. The most wonderful thing, though, to understand is that to really empower yourself with the knowledge, to know why you have these health conditions and to know that you can really safely and affordably be able to maintain that brain chemical with dietary supplements that you can find in almost any health food store.

KEVIN: A-ha. And you talked about how pharmaceuticals like Zoloft and all those drugs can elevate serotonin levels. Is, I think I've heard this, I don't know if this is a rumor or not, maybe you can dispel some myths here. I think I've heard that sometimes they don't know what the activating agent is, is that true or no?

PHOENIX: I haven't heard that...


PHOENIX: the Zoloft and the Prozac and stuff like that?


PHOENIX: I wouldn't doubt it.

KEVIN: OK. Yeah.

PHOENIX: But really, the big concern there which is exactly, they, take quite a few years for that black box warning to be put on those antidepressants but, I mean, how insane is that that you were marketing a drug that is designed to supposedly alleviate depression and suicidal thinking and yet it exacerbates the exact same condition that it is designed to alleviate. No, and I'm like, "How can that even..." I mean, that's like a joke. We know that in our industry that if we have a supplement that we were trying to sell that would have to have that type of a warning, I mean, you would be pulled so fast you would make your head spin.

KEVIN: That's an interesting point. Interesting point. You mentioned GI diets, and I think that a lot of people still don't know what that is. You know, high GI, low GI.


KEVIN: Do you want to explain that a little bit?

PHOENIX: Absolutely.

KEVIN: Great.

PHOENIX: The whole thing, Kevin, is really for me to empower people with the knowledge about understanding why their diets have failed, why they're depressed, why they can't sleep, all of these things that come with low serotonin. It's also to understand that it's no by eating good, healthy fat that makes us fat. Why? Because fat does not trigger the body's insulin response, and insulin is a hormone that commands the body to store fat, among other things.

KEVIN: A-ha.

PHOENIX: So, it is, however, about the type of carbs that we eat. It's not about not eating carbs. I like the phrase that it's saying it's about being carb-conscious. Now, to be carb-conscious is to understand what are the good carbs. There are people who really, and I don't blame them because there's so much misinformation out there. What is a good healthy fat, what is a good carb, what is a good quality protein and all that.

KEVIN: A-ha.

PHOENIX: But the GI, which stands for glycemic index, and that was best to describe to say how quickly when you eat a carbohydrate, because all carbs are recognized by the body as sugar, but they do affect the blood sugar level differently. So, the glycemic index is the rating of how quickly those carbohydrates will affect your blood sugar. So, the lower on the GI, the better. If I may continue to just say this, so you can take a low GI carb such as spinach or some sort of a green... And you can, or even berries. Berries are a wonderful low GI carb, but you can take a low GI carb. If you were just to eat it by itself and turn it into a high GI carb, just for the mere fact that you haven't eaten a healthy protein or fat with it to help lower it.


PHOENIX: Now on the other hand, you can also take a high GI carb and help lower it by combining healthy fat and protein.

KEVIN: OK. That's an interesting point. And is fiber included in that as well, if you...

PHOENIX: Yeah. Fiber is included in those carbs and the other thing though, Kevin, is to really understand, for those people who get it, who know that it is really eating good healthy carbs, minimizing, because again, carbs, if you eat more carbs than your body can utilize, they are stored as fat, period. But to adhere to eating a good healthy diet, and to adhering to those low GI carbs is entirely dependent on being able to maintain the serotonin because if you can't, your brain will force you on a subconscious level to consume the things that will elevate it and it is only those high GI carbs that will do it. And those high GI carbs not only trigger the insulin to ....our rate of obesity but all the other issues, depression, insomnia, PMS, migraines, schizophrenia, suicide, all the way down the line. OK. When I tell people that, look, which is why the book is titled, "Diet Failure - The Naked Truth" is to empower people with this knowledge, if you have dieted and failed. Even though I don't believe in dieting. If you have dieted and failed, it is not your fault. It is about to understand that it is about a brain chemical, and the master communicator of all the brain chemicals that when it is depleted, for the brain and the body to function at its best, Kevin, this brain chemical will do, has to be maintained. And so, therefore, the brain will be anything and everything to elevate it. And the quickest and by far not the healthiest way to do so is to consume high GI carbs. It's not about flavor, it's not about food addiction or carb addiction even though there's plenty of people out there who would claim that it is.

KEVIN: A-ha.

PHOENIX: It is not about emotional attachment and it is most certainly not about being weak-willed. It is though, because that brain chemical once again has to be maintained for the body and brain to function properly. And on that subconscious level, it pushes us towards the things that each of us on an individual basis have conditioned, have trained, our bodies and our brain to a lifetime of habit. Your trigger food may be, you know, a cold beer. Mine used to be sourdough toast. Somebody else's is a chocolate bar and, you know, all these different high GI items, we have again conditioned our brains to a lifetime of habits to know what will work for us and that's when that pattern starts, that's when that noise, it's usually around three or four o'clock in the afternoon, it starts to say, "Hey, Phoenix" or, "Hey, Kevin. That beer smells good or a bag of chips sounds really good." And that is nothing more than the brain pushing us toward those items that it knows will elevate that brain chemical.

By Kevin Gianni

Kevin Gianni the host of "Renegade Health Show" - a fun and informative daily health show that is changing the perception of health across the world. His is an internationally known health advocate, author, and film consultant. He has helped thousands and thousands of people in over 21 countries though online health teleseminars about abundance, optimum health and longevity. He is also the creator and co-author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution"

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How to Lose Weight Effectively

If you are overweight, chances are good that you have tried every diet plan out there, from low carb to high carb, and failed miserably. Maybe you have tried many different diet pills, only to discover that they make you suffer from the jitters and leave you wasted after a huge energy crash. The answer to lasting weight loss is not a diet fad or diet pills. Here is how to lose weight successfully.

First, establish healthy eating patterns. This is not as easy as it sounds. You have spent your entire lifetime building the eating habits you currently have. They are not going to change overnight.

The first place to focus is on portion sizes. If you are like most Americans, you are eating far more than you need to at each meal. Even if you eat the healthiest foods on the planet, if you overeat, you will not lose weight. A good way to start is to take your normal portion and cut it in half. Chances are you will be full at the end of the meal. Be sure to stop between servings, because it takes at least 20 minutes for the "I'm full" signal to reach your brain. If you wolf down your food, you will overeat before your brain even knows that you are full.

Remember, it is healthier to eat around five small meals or snacks each day. Instead of eating a huge breakfast, lunch, and dinner, focus on slimming down those portions and then adding in some healthy snacks. For your snacks, focus on foods that calm hunger, not cravings. Sugar packed foods will do nothing for your hunger. Veggies, cheese, and whole grains will.

Once you have gotten your eating under control, start adding exercise into your daily lifestyle. Exercise is essential to losing weight, yet many Americans get far too little of it. We are simply too busy, and our jobs are simply too sedentary. We spend our time sitting at a computer, driving to and from our homes, and relaxing in front of the TV. Invest in some exercise equipment that you can use at home. Then, take the opportunity to exercise whenever you can. Park far from the store so you can walk, or take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Besides this, you need to exercise at least 30 minutes 3 times a week. This will burn off many calories and help you lose weight. Losing weight in this manner takes time, but when the weight comes off it will generally stay off, whereas the weight you lose with a diet fad or pill will come off quickly but come back on just as quickly.

By Denise Bergeron

There are many Free Diet Programs available including the Low Carb Diet. Whatever diet you choose you need to keep track of your calorie intake with a Calorie Counter

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Alternative Treatment and Herbal Medicines For Breast Cancer

Cancer requires scrupulous medical and surgical treatment. Nonetheless, certain alternative therapies may play an adjunctive role in its care.

Herbal Medicine

Herbalists have long recommended tropical periwinkle to treat breast cancer and other malignancies. Indeed, a periwinkle alkaloid is used to make vincristine, a very potent chemotherapy agent. Oncologists stress, however, that this drug should be used only under careful medical supervision rather than to resort to herbal periwinkle extracts, which can be highly toxic.

Meditation, Self Hypnosis And Visualization

Studies indicate that women with advanced breast cancer who participate in group support sessions that include these techniques have significantly longer survival rates than those who do not. Scientists have not yet been able to explain this effect, but some theorize that the methods mobilize the immune system to fight the further spread of cancer.

Nutrition Therapy

Some nutritionists recommend daily supplements of beta carotene (precursor to vitamin A) and vitamins C and E, both to help prevent cancer and to slow its growth. However, studies suggest that foods high in these antioxidants are more effective. Good sources of beta carotene are orange and dark green vegetables and yellow and orange fruits; of vitamin C, many fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits and bell peppers; of vitamin E, wheat germ, legumes, seafood, and poultry. Although the role of other dietary components remains controversial, some studies suggest that a low-fat diet may cut the risk of breast cancer and its recurrence. Such a regimen requires limiting the intake of all fats, especially those from animals, as well as animal protein, while increasing foods high in fiber, such as whole grain products and fresh fruits and vegetables. Other nutrition therapists and some naturopaths may recommend extreme macrobiotic and other restricted, low calorie diets for breast cancer patients. Oncologists warn that these diets should be avoided because they do not provide adequate calories, protein, and other nutrients that the body needs for recovery or to prevent the wasting that occurs in advanced cancer. Yog regular practice of yoga, meditation, and other relaxation techniques can help alleviate the stress and anxiety caused by cancer, which in turn may boost immune system function.

Self Treatment

Increasingly, women are expected to playa decision making role in their overall treatment. This demands being well informed and not hesitating to question your doctor and voice your concerns. Under the best of circumstances, a diagnosis of breast cancer is psychologically devastating. Joining a support group such as the American Cancer Society's Reach to Recovery program, or simply talking to women who have recovered from breast cancer, can be reassuring. Concerns about physical appearance following a mastectomy are normal. However, women who do not undergo immediate breast reconstruction are usually relieved to find that, with a well fit prosthesis, they can wear most of their clothing without anyone being able to tell they have had this surgery. Initially, use a temporary prosthesis such as cotton fluff inserted into your regular bra, or one that is slightly larger to accommodate bandages. lake this to the hospital with you to avoid the stress of finding something to wear for the trip home. After healing is complete, plan to shop for a permanent prosthesis. Some regular lingerie departments sell breast prostheses, but you may feel more comfortable and find a wider selection at a specialty shop. Make sure that you tryon several different types. Prices vary, but many insurance policies and Medicare cover at least part of the cost. If you cannot find a ready-made prosthesis that looks and feels right, consider investing in a customized one made to match exactly the contour of your other breast.

A prosthesis usually is not necessary after a lumpectomy, but a bra should be worn day and night for several days following surgery to prevent traction of the wound and to help the breast regain its previous shape. Self help measures can help to minimize common complications affecting the arm and hand on the mastectomy side. To minimize swelling, exercise your arm as soon as your surgeon says it is okay. Lift it as high as you comfortably can several times a day to promote the flow of lymph. Also, "walk" your fingers up a wall as high as possible and do isometric, or pumping, exercises for the hand such as squeezing a rubber ball. If arm swelling still occurs, talk to your doctor about wearing an elastic sleeve to reduce swelling and improve lymph flow. If lymph nodes have been removed, the arm and hand on that side are more vulnerable to infection. It is best to avoid anything that constricts or burdens them. Wear loose fitting clothing and switch your watch and purse to the opposite arm. Also have blood drawn or blood pressure measured on the opposite arm. Try to minimize cuts or injuries; for example, use an electric razor if you shave underarm hair; wear protective gloves for gardening and other tasks; and use special care when trimming nails and cuticles. If you do get a cut or burn, wash it immediately with soap and water and apply an antiseptic plus an antibiotic cream. Consult your doctor promptly if an infection develops.

Other Causes of Breast Symptoms

Many women experience swelling and tenderness of the breasts as part of premenstrual syndrome. Benign fibrocystic breast lumps are also exceedingly common. Nursing mothers often develop mastitis, a bacterial breast infection.

By Robin Brain

Discover where to get free home remedies for health care. With these natural remedies you can cure your common ailments.

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Monday, June 2, 2008

Alternative Treatment and Herbal Medicines For Breast Cancer

Cancer requires scrupulous medical and surgical treatment. Nonetheless, certain alternative therapies may play an adjunctive role in its care.

Herbal Medicine

Herbalists have long recommended tropical periwinkle to treat breast cancer and other malignancies. Indeed, a periwinkle alkaloid is used to make vincristine, a very potent chemotherapy agent. Oncologists stress, however, that this drug should be used only under careful medical supervision rather than to resort to herbal periwinkle extracts, which can be highly toxic.

Meditation, Self Hypnosis And Visualization

Studies indicate that women with advanced breast cancer who participate in group support sessions that include these techniques have significantly longer survival rates than those who do not. Scientists have not yet been able to explain this effect, but some theorize that the methods mobilize the immune system to fight the further spread of cancer.

Nutrition Therapy

Some nutritionists recommend daily supplements of beta carotene (precursor to vitamin A) and vitamins C and E, both to help prevent cancer and to slow its growth. However, studies suggest that foods high in these antioxidants are more effective. Good sources of beta carotene are orange and dark green vegetables and yellow and orange fruits; of vitamin C, many fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits and bell peppers; of vitamin E, wheat germ, legumes, seafood, and poultry. Although the role of other dietary components remains controversial, some studies suggest that a low-fat diet may cut the risk of breast cancer and its recurrence. Such a regimen requires limiting the intake of all fats, especially those from animals, as well as animal protein, while increasing foods high in fiber, such as whole grain products and fresh fruits and vegetables. Other nutrition therapists and some naturopaths may recommend extreme macrobiotic and other restricted, low calorie diets for breast cancer patients. Oncologists warn that these diets should be avoided because they do not provide adequate calories, protein, and other nutrients that the body needs for recovery or to prevent the wasting that occurs in advanced cancer. Yog regular practice of yoga, meditation, and other relaxation techniques can help alleviate the stress and anxiety caused by cancer, which in turn may boost immune system function.

Self Treatment

Increasingly, women are expected to playa decision making role in their overall treatment. This demands being well informed and not hesitating to question your doctor and voice your concerns. Under the best of circumstances, a diagnosis of breast cancer is psychologically devastating. Joining a support group such as the American Cancer Society's Reach to Recovery program, or simply talking to women who have recovered from breast cancer, can be reassuring. Concerns about physical appearance following a mastectomy are normal. However, women who do not undergo immediate breast reconstruction are usually relieved to find that, with a well fit prosthesis, they can wear most of their clothing without anyone being able to tell they have had this surgery. Initially, use a temporary prosthesis such as cotton fluff inserted into your regular bra, or one that is slightly larger to accommodate bandages. lake this to the hospital with you to avoid the stress of finding something to wear for the trip home. After healing is complete, plan to shop for a permanent prosthesis. Some regular lingerie departments sell breast prostheses, but you may feel more comfortable and find a wider selection at a specialty shop. Make sure that you tryon several different types. Prices vary, but many insurance policies and Medicare cover at least part of the cost. If you cannot find a ready-made prosthesis that looks and feels right, consider investing in a customized one made to match exactly the contour of your other breast.

A prosthesis usually is not necessary after a lumpectomy, but a bra should be worn day and night for several days following surgery to prevent traction of the wound and to help the breast regain its previous shape. Self help measures can help to minimize common complications affecting the arm and hand on the mastectomy side. To minimize swelling, exercise your arm as soon as your surgeon says it is okay. Lift it as high as you comfortably can several times a day to promote the flow of lymph. Also, "walk" your fingers up a wall as high as possible and do isometric, or pumping, exercises for the hand such as squeezing a rubber ball. If arm swelling still occurs, talk to your doctor about wearing an elastic sleeve to reduce swelling and improve lymph flow. If lymph nodes have been removed, the arm and hand on that side are more vulnerable to infection. It is best to avoid anything that constricts or burdens them. Wear loose fitting clothing and switch your watch and purse to the opposite arm. Also have blood drawn or blood pressure measured on the opposite arm. Try to minimize cuts or injuries; for example, use an electric razor if you shave underarm hair; wear protective gloves for gardening and other tasks; and use special care when trimming nails and cuticles. If you do get a cut or burn, wash it immediately with soap and water and apply an antiseptic plus an antibiotic cream. Consult your doctor promptly if an infection develops.

Other Causes of Breast Symptoms

Many women experience swelling and tenderness of the breasts as part of premenstrual syndrome. Benign fibrocystic breast lumps are also exceedingly common. Nursing mothers often develop mastitis, a bacterial breast infection.

By Robin Brain

Discover where to get free home remedies for health care. With these natural remedies you can cure your common ailments.

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Alternative Treatment and Herbal Medicines For Breast Cancer

Cancer requires scrupulous medical and surgical treatment. Nonetheless, certain alternative therapies may play an adjunctive role in its care.

Herbal Medicine

Herbalists have long recommended tropical periwinkle to treat breast cancer and other malignancies. Indeed, a periwinkle alkaloid is used to make vincristine, a very potent chemotherapy agent. Oncologists stress, however, that this drug should be used only under careful medical supervision rather than to resort to herbal periwinkle extracts, which can be highly toxic.

Meditation, Self Hypnosis And Visualization

Studies indicate that women with advanced breast cancer who participate in group support sessions that include these techniques have significantly longer survival rates than those who do not. Scientists have not yet been able to explain this effect, but some theorize that the methods mobilize the immune system to fight the further spread of cancer.

Nutrition Therapy

Some nutritionists recommend daily supplements of beta carotene (precursor to vitamin A) and vitamins C and E, both to help prevent cancer and to slow its growth. However, studies suggest that foods high in these antioxidants are more effective. Good sources of beta carotene are orange and dark green vegetables and yellow and orange fruits; of vitamin C, many fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits and bell peppers; of vitamin E, wheat germ, legumes, seafood, and poultry. Although the role of other dietary components remains controversial, some studies suggest that a low-fat diet may cut the risk of breast cancer and its recurrence. Such a regimen requires limiting the intake of all fats, especially those from animals, as well as animal protein, while increasing foods high in fiber, such as whole grain products and fresh fruits and vegetables. Other nutrition therapists and some naturopaths may recommend extreme macrobiotic and other restricted, low calorie diets for breast cancer patients. Oncologists warn that these diets should be avoided because they do not provide adequate calories, protein, and other nutrients that the body needs for recovery or to prevent the wasting that occurs in advanced cancer. Yog regular practice of yoga, meditation, and other relaxation techniques can help alleviate the stress and anxiety caused by cancer, which in turn may boost immune system function.

Self Treatment

Increasingly, women are expected to playa decision making role in their overall treatment. This demands being well informed and not hesitating to question your doctor and voice your concerns. Under the best of circumstances, a diagnosis of breast cancer is psychologically devastating. Joining a support group such as the American Cancer Society's Reach to Recovery program, or simply talking to women who have recovered from breast cancer, can be reassuring. Concerns about physical appearance following a mastectomy are normal. However, women who do not undergo immediate breast reconstruction are usually relieved to find that, with a well fit prosthesis, they can wear most of their clothing without anyone being able to tell they have had this surgery. Initially, use a temporary prosthesis such as cotton fluff inserted into your regular bra, or one that is slightly larger to accommodate bandages. lake this to the hospital with you to avoid the stress of finding something to wear for the trip home. After healing is complete, plan to shop for a permanent prosthesis. Some regular lingerie departments sell breast prostheses, but you may feel more comfortable and find a wider selection at a specialty shop. Make sure that you tryon several different types. Prices vary, but many insurance policies and Medicare cover at least part of the cost. If you cannot find a ready-made prosthesis that looks and feels right, consider investing in a customized one made to match exactly the contour of your other breast.

A prosthesis usually is not necessary after a lumpectomy, but a bra should be worn day and night for several days following surgery to prevent traction of the wound and to help the breast regain its previous shape. Self help measures can help to minimize common complications affecting the arm and hand on the mastectomy side. To minimize swelling, exercise your arm as soon as your surgeon says it is okay. Lift it as high as you comfortably can several times a day to promote the flow of lymph. Also, "walk" your fingers up a wall as high as possible and do isometric, or pumping, exercises for the hand such as squeezing a rubber ball. If arm swelling still occurs, talk to your doctor about wearing an elastic sleeve to reduce swelling and improve lymph flow. If lymph nodes have been removed, the arm and hand on that side are more vulnerable to infection. It is best to avoid anything that constricts or burdens them. Wear loose fitting clothing and switch your watch and purse to the opposite arm. Also have blood drawn or blood pressure measured on the opposite arm. Try to minimize cuts or injuries; for example, use an electric razor if you shave underarm hair; wear protective gloves for gardening and other tasks; and use special care when trimming nails and cuticles. If you do get a cut or burn, wash it immediately with soap and water and apply an antiseptic plus an antibiotic cream. Consult your doctor promptly if an infection develops.

Other Causes of Breast Symptoms

Many women experience swelling and tenderness of the breasts as part of premenstrual syndrome. Benign fibrocystic breast lumps are also exceedingly common. Nursing mothers often develop mastitis, a bacterial breast infection.

By Robin Brain

Discover where to get free home remedies for health care. With these natural remedies you can cure your common ailments.

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Alternative Treatment and Herbal Medicines For Breast Cancer

Cancer requires scrupulous medical and surgical treatment. Nonetheless, certain alternative therapies may play an adjunctive role in its care.

Herbal Medicine

Herbalists have long recommended tropical periwinkle to treat breast cancer and other malignancies. Indeed, a periwinkle alkaloid is used to make vincristine, a very potent chemotherapy agent. Oncologists stress, however, that this drug should be used only under careful medical supervision rather than to resort to herbal periwinkle extracts, which can be highly toxic.

Meditation, Self Hypnosis And Visualization

Studies indicate that women with advanced breast cancer who participate in group support sessions that include these techniques have significantly longer survival rates than those who do not. Scientists have not yet been able to explain this effect, but some theorize that the methods mobilize the immune system to fight the further spread of cancer.

Nutrition Therapy

Some nutritionists recommend daily supplements of beta carotene (precursor to vitamin A) and vitamins C and E, both to help prevent cancer and to slow its growth. However, studies suggest that foods high in these antioxidants are more effective. Good sources of beta carotene are orange and dark green vegetables and yellow and orange fruits; of vitamin C, many fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits and bell peppers; of vitamin E, wheat germ, legumes, seafood, and poultry. Although the role of other dietary components remains controversial, some studies suggest that a low-fat diet may cut the risk of breast cancer and its recurrence. Such a regimen requires limiting the intake of all fats, especially those from animals, as well as animal protein, while increasing foods high in fiber, such as whole grain products and fresh fruits and vegetables. Other nutrition therapists and some naturopaths may recommend extreme macrobiotic and other restricted, low calorie diets for breast cancer patients. Oncologists warn that these diets should be avoided because they do not provide adequate calories, protein, and other nutrients that the body needs for recovery or to prevent the wasting that occurs in advanced cancer. Yog regular practice of yoga, meditation, and other relaxation techniques can help alleviate the stress and anxiety caused by cancer, which in turn may boost immune system function.

Self Treatment

Increasingly, women are expected to playa decision making role in their overall treatment. This demands being well informed and not hesitating to question your doctor and voice your concerns. Under the best of circumstances, a diagnosis of breast cancer is psychologically devastating. Joining a support group such as the American Cancer Society's Reach to Recovery program, or simply talking to women who have recovered from breast cancer, can be reassuring. Concerns about physical appearance following a mastectomy are normal. However, women who do not undergo immediate breast reconstruction are usually relieved to find that, with a well fit prosthesis, they can wear most of their clothing without anyone being able to tell they have had this surgery. Initially, use a temporary prosthesis such as cotton fluff inserted into your regular bra, or one that is slightly larger to accommodate bandages. lake this to the hospital with you to avoid the stress of finding something to wear for the trip home. After healing is complete, plan to shop for a permanent prosthesis. Some regular lingerie departments sell breast prostheses, but you may feel more comfortable and find a wider selection at a specialty shop. Make sure that you tryon several different types. Prices vary, but many insurance policies and Medicare cover at least part of the cost. If you cannot find a ready-made prosthesis that looks and feels right, consider investing in a customized one made to match exactly the contour of your other breast.

A prosthesis usually is not necessary after a lumpectomy, but a bra should be worn day and night for several days following surgery to prevent traction of the wound and to help the breast regain its previous shape. Self help measures can help to minimize common complications affecting the arm and hand on the mastectomy side. To minimize swelling, exercise your arm as soon as your surgeon says it is okay. Lift it as high as you comfortably can several times a day to promote the flow of lymph. Also, "walk" your fingers up a wall as high as possible and do isometric, or pumping, exercises for the hand such as squeezing a rubber ball. If arm swelling still occurs, talk to your doctor about wearing an elastic sleeve to reduce swelling and improve lymph flow. If lymph nodes have been removed, the arm and hand on that side are more vulnerable to infection. It is best to avoid anything that constricts or burdens them. Wear loose fitting clothing and switch your watch and purse to the opposite arm. Also have blood drawn or blood pressure measured on the opposite arm. Try to minimize cuts or injuries; for example, use an electric razor if you shave underarm hair; wear protective gloves for gardening and other tasks; and use special care when trimming nails and cuticles. If you do get a cut or burn, wash it immediately with soap and water and apply an antiseptic plus an antibiotic cream. Consult your doctor promptly if an infection develops.

Other Causes of Breast Symptoms

Many women experience swelling and tenderness of the breasts as part of premenstrual syndrome. Benign fibrocystic breast lumps are also exceedingly common. Nursing mothers often develop mastitis, a bacterial breast infection.

By Robin Brain

Discover where to get free home remedies for health care. With these natural remedies you can cure your common ailments.

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Alternative Treatment and Herbal Medicines For Breast Cancer

Cancer requires scrupulous medical and surgical treatment. Nonetheless, certain alternative therapies may play an adjunctive role in its care.

Herbal Medicine

Herbalists have long recommended tropical periwinkle to treat breast cancer and other malignancies. Indeed, a periwinkle alkaloid is used to make vincristine, a very potent chemotherapy agent. Oncologists stress, however, that this drug should be used only under careful medical supervision rather than to resort to herbal periwinkle extracts, which can be highly toxic.

Meditation, Self Hypnosis And Visualization

Studies indicate that women with advanced breast cancer who participate in group support sessions that include these techniques have significantly longer survival rates than those who do not. Scientists have not yet been able to explain this effect, but some theorize that the methods mobilize the immune system to fight the further spread of cancer.

Nutrition Therapy

Some nutritionists recommend daily supplements of beta carotene (precursor to vitamin A) and vitamins C and E, both to help prevent cancer and to slow its growth. However, studies suggest that foods high in these antioxidants are more effective. Good sources of beta carotene are orange and dark green vegetables and yellow and orange fruits; of vitamin C, many fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits and bell peppers; of vitamin E, wheat germ, legumes, seafood, and poultry. Although the role of other dietary components remains controversial, some studies suggest that a low-fat diet may cut the risk of breast cancer and its recurrence. Such a regimen requires limiting the intake of all fats, especially those from animals, as well as animal protein, while increasing foods high in fiber, such as whole grain products and fresh fruits and vegetables. Other nutrition therapists and some naturopaths may recommend extreme macrobiotic and other restricted, low calorie diets for breast cancer patients. Oncologists warn that these diets should be avoided because they do not provide adequate calories, protein, and other nutrients that the body needs for recovery or to prevent the wasting that occurs in advanced cancer. Yog regular practice of yoga, meditation, and other relaxation techniques can help alleviate the stress and anxiety caused by cancer, which in turn may boost immune system function.

Self Treatment

Increasingly, women are expected to playa decision making role in their overall treatment. This demands being well informed and not hesitating to question your doctor and voice your concerns. Under the best of circumstances, a diagnosis of breast cancer is psychologically devastating. Joining a support group such as the American Cancer Society's Reach to Recovery program, or simply talking to women who have recovered from breast cancer, can be reassuring. Concerns about physical appearance following a mastectomy are normal. However, women who do not undergo immediate breast reconstruction are usually relieved to find that, with a well fit prosthesis, they can wear most of their clothing without anyone being able to tell they have had this surgery. Initially, use a temporary prosthesis such as cotton fluff inserted into your regular bra, or one that is slightly larger to accommodate bandages. lake this to the hospital with you to avoid the stress of finding something to wear for the trip home. After healing is complete, plan to shop for a permanent prosthesis. Some regular lingerie departments sell breast prostheses, but you may feel more comfortable and find a wider selection at a specialty shop. Make sure that you tryon several different types. Prices vary, but many insurance policies and Medicare cover at least part of the cost. If you cannot find a ready-made prosthesis that looks and feels right, consider investing in a customized one made to match exactly the contour of your other breast.

A prosthesis usually is not necessary after a lumpectomy, but a bra should be worn day and night for several days following surgery to prevent traction of the wound and to help the breast regain its previous shape. Self help measures can help to minimize common complications affecting the arm and hand on the mastectomy side. To minimize swelling, exercise your arm as soon as your surgeon says it is okay. Lift it as high as you comfortably can several times a day to promote the flow of lymph. Also, "walk" your fingers up a wall as high as possible and do isometric, or pumping, exercises for the hand such as squeezing a rubber ball. If arm swelling still occurs, talk to your doctor about wearing an elastic sleeve to reduce swelling and improve lymph flow. If lymph nodes have been removed, the arm and hand on that side are more vulnerable to infection. It is best to avoid anything that constricts or burdens them. Wear loose fitting clothing and switch your watch and purse to the opposite arm. Also have blood drawn or blood pressure measured on the opposite arm. Try to minimize cuts or injuries; for example, use an electric razor if you shave underarm hair; wear protective gloves for gardening and other tasks; and use special care when trimming nails and cuticles. If you do get a cut or burn, wash it immediately with soap and water and apply an antiseptic plus an antibiotic cream. Consult your doctor promptly if an infection develops.

Other Causes of Breast Symptoms

Many women experience swelling and tenderness of the breasts as part of premenstrual syndrome. Benign fibrocystic breast lumps are also exceedingly common. Nursing mothers often develop mastitis, a bacterial breast infection.

By Robin Brain

Discover where to get free home remedies for health care. With these natural remedies you can cure your common ailments.

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I Am A Breast Cancer Survivor - Don't Fear, You Can Survive This Too!

Doctors are not the miracle workers we hold them up to be. They are absolutely wonderful in the fact they can fix broken limbs, operate when it is necessary. I had surgery with my breast cancer, then I went through chemo, then radiation. If I knew then what I know now, I would still have a functioning beautiful breast. I would have had the surgery, but I would never have opted for the chemo or radiation.

Through the hundreds and hundreds of hours of research, I have found so much information and testimonies of how to treat myself. I would like to share that knowledge with the world. If you visit my blog, you can click on the sites, read the information for yourself. Then make the decision!! Do I truly want more out of my life. I do have the willpower to change my lifestyle and eating habits.

The first thing you need to do is take note, yes I said take note of who you are and what you eat. In this fast paced world we live in, its convenience. Microwave it. Stick it in the oven quickies, pre-cooked heat up eat and go. Of all the things we do in this world is Make sure you wear good supportive shoes, and make sure you eat properly. We truly are what we eat. I will show you steps to clean your system, how to eat to keep it that way. We cannot expect to keep the temples God has given us if we continually abuse it with convenience and fast processed foods. I bet if you own a vehicle and it needs premium gas to run properly, to get the best mileage, and to extend the life of your vehicle, you will spend the extra money so your motor won't knock. Why should you do any thing different with your own body. We are what we eat. Say that with me (I am what I eat, I am what I eat, I am what I eat) If you don't at the present time have any physical problems, now is the time to start treating yourself like you are important. Remember there is only one of you. You are unique in every way.

I would like to help you be better inside and out. Just visit my Blog at Then I can begin to share with you my knowledge. Please make a comment if you like. If you leave your email, I will be more than happy to email you also. There is no better time than now to begin to live, and feel good inside and out. Don't wait until its too late.

God Bless you,


Hope Motte, Cancer survivor.

By Hope Motte

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Breast Cancer And What Can You Do About It

Breast cancer is even more devastating when you loose a breast due to mastectomy.

You look in the mirror and do not recognize yourself with one breast or none.

Now, you are in a dilemma and ask yourself "What can you do about it"? Where do I go from here? Fear settles in. All legitimate questions and concerns.

Here is what I learned from my breast cancer and mastectomy that, I would like to impart them to you.

  1. Be selfish and love yourself.

  2. Accept your new image.

  3. Fall in love with your new image.

You say, "I wish I could do that. But I can't." Sometimes the thing you desire seems most evasive and elusive to you. You may seem to think that you need something else that is external to you for you to be able to achieve self-love. Moreover, because this external thing is away from you and you do not have it, you think that you are doomed because even that seems elusive. Therefore, you are stuck in a vicious circle. You accept that, you fear it.

However, before you accept something that has absolutely no value to you, take another look. Fear is a thing we are conditioned to accept without question, yet it has absolutely no value. Next time you accept fear, ask yourself what value it really has for you. Escape is not a value. There is nowhere to run.

Eventually, you will have to face yourself. Running away from a problem is an idea that stems from the illusion that you are the problem, and you can escape the "you" with the problem. The first step to getting out of a problem is knowing and accepting that you are the problem, and then you become the solution.

Nothing outside changes, but as you change, a new outside replaces the old.

For now, let us see what you can do.

Everyone has things that can do now that they could not do before. You can now walk while as a child you could not. The ground never changed, but you did. You can now read while you once could not. The English language never changed, but you did.

Do you get the picture? A person can do a million things now that they could not do years ago.


It is never those things that changed. What changed was the idea that the person had of himself or herself.

So what can you do? It is nothing more than a shift in what you think you are. What You Really Are is a being with infinite abilities. Everyone is. We are all literally an idea. We become those persons by changing the idea of what we think we are.

Here is to you for loving yourselves just the way you are with one breast or none!

I love you,

Lea Yekutiel

By Lea B. Yekutiel

Lea Yekutiel – author

Making the Breast of It:

Overcoming Fear of Intimacy After Breast Cancer

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The Best 6 Tips For Extremely Quick And Permanent Acne Removal

Acne causes a lot of problems and frustrations to acne sufferers. Many people like to complain when a product or remedy never worked for them, but it's better for you to know that complains yield no results. If you want to get rid of acne forever, you need some very solid tips that work amazingly. I will try my best to deliver these tried and tested tips. These are some of the best tips for acne I discovered during my years of combat against acne. After you read this article, the rest is up to you to work on the tips you learn.Tip # 1 - Sales hype and ineffective methods of treating acne.

I would first like to want you to know that most products on the market that claim to treat acne in just days don't really work as well as the manufacturers claim them to be. So now you can save your money from buying branded and expensive products. I know for a fact that price does not measure the effectiveness and quality of a product. These branded products are mostly expensive because of the advertising costs that they are associated with.

So no, price does not equate quality in this matter.

Tip #2 - Dealing With Current Acne On The Surface Of The Skin

This is the first and very important step in treating your acne. Ignore other creams and lotions. Instead, you should use tea tree oil as the main topical acne treating regimen. One thing about tea tree oil is that it is highly effective on acne. Based on my personal experience, it is far superior than most products that cost you a fortune.

Tip # 3 - Washing Your Face The Right Way

We all know hygiene matters a lot to acne. For this reason, you have to know the right way to wash your face. Washing your face too many times does not benefit much to your acne condition. If you are able to get this right, your acne will heal noticably quicker. Here are some tips to help you:

1. Don't wash your face more than 3 times a day.

2. Use an appropriate cleanser for your skin type. For example, if you have oily skin, it's okay to use a deep cleaning and oil removing cleanser. But it's never a good thing to use a moisturizing cleanser if you have oily skin because doing so will cause your skin to be more oily and might cause acne.

Tip #4 - Aloe Vera Is Great For Acne.

Most acne causes your skin to look like volcanoes. When those zits are gone, they leave acne marks, or worse acne scars behind. So how can we deal with this matter without using any drugs and medications? We use aloe vera. Aloe vera works on acne by accelerating the healing process of the skin so your acne will clear up faster. It also flattens the swelling caused by acne while reducing the redness too.

Tip #5 - Detoxification.

Detoxification is the best and quickest way to get rid of acne. This is because your skin is one of the last resort for detoxifcation of your body. When the main detoxifying organs - liver and kidneys are heavily burdened, your body relies on your skin to detox itself. Acne is one of the way to achieve this. Detoxification also has other significant benefits for acne.

Tip #6 - Carrots.

Carrots contain tons of vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for treating acne because the lack of this nutrient alone, can already cause acne. When vitamin A is consumed in a significant amount, such as those in carrots, it has the ability to cure acne effectively. Try carrots and you will be amazed by the results you get.

Getting rid of acne is easy if you just know what works and what works not. If I tell you that it is possible to cure your acne in just two months, without spending any money on medical treatment and products, would you believe me? You better be, because I am a living proof that shows it is possible to cure acne of any severity in just 2 months.

Click here to learn my secrets and learn HOW YOU can also treat your acne in less than two months without spending any money on any expensive products and antibiotics.

Ooh, did I mention that the acne condition I was having was among the most severe my dermatologist, father, mother, school teachers, the clerk in the office, and many other people had ever seen? I had hundreds of acne on my face until I learned the secret to cure acne.

You can access to the secrets I have learned, just by visiting my site on acne, its causes and how you can treat it. It contains some of the best information on acne so you have no reason not to check it out.

By Charles S. Spencer

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Cure Your Acne Fast - The Latest Techniques To Acne Freedom

Tired of your acne? I was too after suffering from severe acne for over seven years. But, you don't have to suffer from it much longer - there are new lightning fast methods to treat acne and ensure it never comes back. This technique of mine isn't about washing or using some magic chemical to treat your acne. The trick is to find an acne treatment that works for you.

Sounds simple, yet most acne sufferers fail to understand acne treatments that work for one person may or may not work for another person. In order to become acne free, you need to wisely choose an acne treatment that works for your skin type, but how do you do it? Acne is caused by one or more of three factors: clogged pores, bacteria, and some kind of internal problem. By solving and treating your acne from the roots, no matter what type of acne you have - mild, severe, moderate, inflamed, blackheads, whiteheads - there are ways to quickly and effectively eliminate each type of acne, just by choosing an acne treatment that works.

But, how do you do that? The first step to discovering what type of acne treatment you require is by observing your type of pimple. Is it a bump that isn't inflamed (red, painful, and puffy)? Then, you'll need a chemical that unclogs pores. Is the acne you're trying to treat painful and red? This is because the clogged pore is packed with bacteria. You're going to need to find a treatment that unclogs pores and kills off the bacteria.

Also, if your acne is much more severe, it is loaded with bacteria, the acne is deep, and you're going to need to treat it fast to prevent permanent scarring. You're going to need to locate an acne treatment that fights off acne deep in its roots - not all acne treatments fight acne that deep into the skin.

That's just the basic steps for general acne, but whiteheads and blackheads also accompany acne, and you probably want to treat that as well. These annoying bumps can be treated with salicylic acid, roughly 2.5% to 5%, easily within a week.

Is your skin too oily? Why not try using an acne treatment that diminishes oil production output so you don't have to constantly clean your skin? In fact, washing the face too much probably is causing further acne breakouts. There are pills such as B-5 Vitamins that dramatically reduces oil output and has been very effective for all acne types, even severe acne.

If the skin is too dry, use a moisturizer that doesn't clog pores. Dry skin definitely leads to acne breakouts, and avoiding acne treatments that dry out the skin like benzoyl peroxide can improve acne over a short period of time. Natural ingredient acne treatments can dramatically help treat your acne very quickly.

Observing your acne situation, and basing your acne treatment purchase off these basic ideas is the best way to treat your acne. Do not believe what acne companies claim their products do. Know your acne, know why your acne forms, and figure out for yourself which acne treatment solves the problem your skin has. This is the one and only best technique out there to treat acne, and it is the only way you can stay safe and prevent yourself from acne treatment scams.

By Diane Vikroy

Choosing an effective acne treatment is an essential part of treating your acne. If you're looking for an acne treatment that works, go to for free acne treatment reviews. Another website for quality acne treatment reviews is Use your judgment to decide which acne treatments will work for you, and good luck.

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