Doctors are not the miracle workers we hold them up to be. They are absolutely wonderful in the fact they can fix broken limbs, operate when it is necessary. I had surgery with my breast cancer, then I went through chemo, then radiation. If I knew then what I know now, I would still have a functioning beautiful breast. I would have had the surgery, but I would never have opted for the chemo or radiation.
Through the hundreds and hundreds of hours of research, I have found so much information and testimonies of how to treat myself. I would like to share that knowledge with the world. If you visit my blog, you can click on the sites, read the information for yourself. Then make the decision!! Do I truly want more out of my life. I do have the willpower to change my lifestyle and eating habits.
The first thing you need to do is take note, yes I said take note of who you are and what you eat. In this fast paced world we live in, its convenience. Microwave it. Stick it in the oven quickies, pre-cooked heat up eat and go. Of all the things we do in this world is Make sure you wear good supportive shoes, and make sure you eat properly. We truly are what we eat. I will show you steps to clean your system, how to eat to keep it that way. We cannot expect to keep the temples God has given us if we continually abuse it with convenience and fast processed foods. I bet if you own a vehicle and it needs premium gas to run properly, to get the best mileage, and to extend the life of your vehicle, you will spend the extra money so your motor won't knock. Why should you do any thing different with your own body. We are what we eat. Say that with me (I am what I eat, I am what I eat, I am what I eat) If you don't at the present time have any physical problems, now is the time to start treating yourself like you are important. Remember there is only one of you. You are unique in every way.
I would like to help you be better inside and out. Just visit my Blog at Then I can begin to share with you my knowledge. Please make a comment if you like. If you leave your email, I will be more than happy to email you also. There is no better time than now to begin to live, and feel good inside and out. Don't wait until its too late.
God Bless you,
Hope Motte, Cancer survivor.
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