Wednesday, September 5, 2007

10 Idiot Proof Things You Need to Know About Weight Loss and Nutrition

Do you want to know the 10 idiot proof rules to dieting and fat loss? If you follow the 10 simple steps outlined in “Fat loss 4 idiots” you can loose 9lbs every 11 days!! It really is simple.

Stop using all the famous diets, which bring you in with their mentioning of low carb this, low calorie that. You will educating yourself on the proper way to diet but with your health in mind.

Stop using low carb diets!
Stop using low calorie diets!
Stop using low fat diets!

I’m sure you’ve tried each and everyone of these before, and if you haven’t, I am pretty sure you will get pulled in at some point in time, to try and use these so called healthy diets. Well, I am truly sorry but I have to tell you that:

Low fat foods don’t work!
Low calorie diets don’t work!
What about Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig Plans??

What happens when you get on these plans, do they work sometimes, but most importantly, what happens when you get off these plans? Most people will go right back where they started, yes back to being overweight. These plans don’t work forever, just for the short time, or maybe even long time that you are consuming them. Every one of these plans restricts what you are eating.

Okay, have you every been to Europe and seen how they eat? All the fatty things that we are told here in America not to eat, is exactly what European’s eat. Things such as cheese, bread, pasta’s, wine, they indulge in the everyday wonders of life as far as food consumption, and do you see them getting fat. The majority of obesity is right here in our own backyards, in America.

I know you want to know the truth behind your dieting methods and why they are either not successful at all, or not as successful as maybe you would like them to be? You will discover how to eat your way to the dream body you’ve always wanted without any hard to follow diets. You will find that nutritionist guru in you, we all have one in us, we just have forgotten how to use him/her.

I know you’re tired of the boring same old food choices, chicken, tuna, salad who can live on the same thing day in and day out, and not get tired of it. Just imagine having 13,339 choices to make on a daily basis as to what you would like to eat.

So many Americans are having trouble with obesity, and feel they have tried everything and there is no way out. Lean from Jason Hunter RD, CSCS and Chris Mohr, RD PhD. How to live a healthy life by using these simple and easy steps, you owe it to yourself to live a healthy lifestyle, to be happy and free from the depressions that obesity brings.

What is the largest problem in America today? What is causing more and more people to die from medical issues? Obesity, is the largest killer in todays society. You must learn to stay healthy, eat healthier, exercise, and diet correctly. Beware of the low carb, low calorie diets. To learn more go to

By Eunice Prazeres

Article Source:

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