Monday, September 24, 2007

Breast Cancer Survival Rate - Stage 3 Breast Cancer

The breast cancer survival rate for Stage 3 breast cancer depends on the degree of cancer metastasis and the individual health of the patient. The 5-year survival rate can vary from 49% to 67%.

Stage 3 (or III) breast cancer is usually divided into two categories: Stage IIIA and Stage IIIB.

Stage IIIA is breast cancer that is larger than 5 centimeters in diameter and has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm (axillary lymph nodes). It can also include any size of breast cancer that has spread extensively to any of the lymph nodes.

The breast cancer survival rate for Stage IIIA breast cancer will vary from 56% to 67% (American Cancer Society).

Stage IIIB can be any size cancer that has spread to other tissue near the breast. It may or may not have spread to the axillary lymph nodes or other lymph nodes.

The survival rate for Stage IIIB breast cancer varies from 49% to 54%.

The sharp decrease in women’s survival from almost 100% survival for Stage 1 breast cancer to approximately 50% survival for Stage 3 breast cancer is controlled by one factor only: early detection. Treatment is most successful for women when the breast cancer is small and localized to the breast tissue only.

Almost 40,000 women die of breast cancer every year in the United States alone. Using early detection procedures to detect breast cancer when it is still at Stage 1 could bring the survival rate back up to almost 100%.

Early detection procedures emphasize monthly self-examinations done at the same time each month. Clinical examinations performed by the health care provider should begin no later than age 20. For women in good health, a clinical exam should be performed every three years from age 20 to age 40. After age 40, clinical breast exams should be part of the annual health check-up, along with the annual mammogram or recommended diagnostic procedures.

After successful treatment, approximately 10% of women will experience breast cancer recurrence. You can learn about research on three healthy habits that have shown a 50% decrease in breast cancer recurrence at

Breast cancer prevention is also an area of serious research, but there is not yet sufficient information for researchers to agree on conclusions. In general, being overweight, increased alcohol consumption, or using hormone therapy seem to increase breast cancer. Maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, and breast-feeding seem to decrease breast cancer.

For more information on research showing increased breast cancer survival rates, see

By Sharon A Jones

Sharon Jones has over 40 years training and experience in science, mainstream health care, and alternative health care. Her website is

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