Saturday, February 21, 2009

All Women Fear Breast Cancer

Women hear about the high incidence of breast cancer in the community. Most of us will have friends or relatives who have suffered the disease and the subsequent associated medical treatments - chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Some women experience years of prolongation of life and remain healthy after even radical treatment. Others cannot cope with the extreme discomfort and succumb to the disease even after a short period of apparent cure. Some do not wish to continue living after surgical removal of either one or both breasts. We all respond differently to both illness and to treatment but it is certain that all women share an intense desire to avoid the disease.

We would wish to avoid invasive modern treatment of cancer if there are alternatives. New hope arises on the horizon for all women, with each new medical discovery seeming to promise a cure. We are still waiting. However, we must not fear cancer, we must focus upon its prevention and this is difficult. Every scientist will admit that the challenge is made difficult because the disease itself is the result of complex causes.

There have been claims for cancer cure by following self help natural methods and some have resulted in a cure. It is also interesting to study methods of curing breast cancer in various countries and medical systems. But it is more productive to focus upon the more reliably documented information we have about the natural foods and substances that are proven to build our body defences. Vitality is the top priority for the body's defence against any disease. Best results can be anticipated if we focus upon the health rules and have faith in the wonderful healing powers that reside naturally in the body.

All the physical health rules are well known nowadays. However it is the practise of them that remains our constant discipline. We can be encouraged to keep up our fitness programmes of mind and body through group participation such as yoga and tai chi and others but it remains our own personal choices that determine the results.

We need to pay special attention to physical exercises that stimulate circulation of blood and help the function of lymph and mammary glands through movement of the arms. However, it is not only what we do, but also what we must not do that is important. We are reminded to avoid any negative habits and all the known carcinogens ...including smoking, alcohol, drugs, chemical ingestion, polluted air, lazy respiration, lack of oxygen, insufficient exercise, stress, depression, and processed foods. To maximize our chances of avoiding breast cancer we must also avoid cosmetics, skin creams and products that contain aluminium, artificial scents and colouring, and also any product that contain any chemical termed 'propyl' which has become suspect in causing cancer.

Most importantly Do not use suppressant deodorants. We need to encourage natural release of toxins through underarm perspiration.

Be aware that offensive perspiration is often a symptom of poor kidney function or other health problems that can often be treated by naturopathic methods.

By Sally Janssen

Sally Janssen is a writer and educator who from an early age trained in Raja Yoga--that branch of the ancient science that deals with the mind and its complexities. She subsequently gained an international reputation for her skills and her wisdom in the training of the mind.

In her wonderfully readable book entitled Mental Fitness: The Complete Self-help Guide she presents simple, self-help practices that help to generate and maintain mental fitness just as the natural principles of physical fitness can be personally applied by us all. The book may be found here: This really is a must-read book for us all. Sally also welcomes you to visit her blog at

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