Saturday, February 21, 2009

What to Eat to Lose Weight - Foods For Fat Loss

If you had a car with no tires it's safe to say that you would not go very far. When it comes to weight loss then same thing applies. Rather than eating junk and exercising, find out what you need to eat to lose weight and combine that with regular exercise and you'll shed some serious pounds. Below is a list of a few foods that you can put in your diet and rocket your way to weight loss.

Real Food: Sometimes we forget what real food is. When you are eating foods that are processed, pumped full of hormones and packed full of preservatives no wonder everyone is overweight. If you can fill your diet with more real food you will be way ahead of the game. What is real food? Eggs are real food. Oreos? No not a real food. Chicken is a food. Spaghetti? Nope not even spaghetti. Ever seen a spaghetti patch around? Hopefully you get the point. Think of real natural occurring foods.

Make The Switch: This one tip will go a LONG way in helping you lose weight. If you can substitute almost all your food for the whole grain alternate it will do wonders for you health and weight. That means your bread, cereals, crackers, rice, pasta and anything else you can buy whole grain.

Nuts and Berries: If you want to know what to eat to lose weight, this is it! Strawberries; blueberries, raspberries and any other kind of berry and a whole host of almonds and walnuts are great for you and they make an excellent snack as opposed to candy and chips.

Water: Water really is an amazing thing and it should be, about 65% of your entire body is made up of water! The best thing about water when it comes to weight loss is that the only thing in it is water. Replacing things like soda, fruity drinks and coffee with water in your diet will increase your weight loss; flush out your system and get rid of all those toxins, keep you hydrated and it's good for you.

While this isn't a complex list of what to eat to lose weight, it is a few simple steps that you can use in order to speed up or just help your weight loss along. When starting any diet be sure to speak to a dietitian or a nutritionist beforehand.

By Philip Hixonn

Want to lose 30 pounds in 30 days but cant afford a personal trainer or nutritionist but still need step by step help? See before and after pictures and stories of how Phil and others did it at Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

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